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Nini's Solutions

51 Glenview Park Dillons Cross, Cork, Ireland
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So for any of you who are to afraid to text me on Facebook I thought id share my snapchat name so you can see how my daily routine is and how simple this life changing experience is. You can text me away on snapchat if you have any questions about my story and i certainly have no problem sharing my knowledge with you :) so add away guys :) :) :)

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Hey guys. Firstly thank you very much for liking my page and I was just wondering would you be able to give it a share as well. As you all know my mom has a page called Solutions by Karen and I decided to follow in her footsteps so I choose to join this amazing company. I believe in all the products we have and incase ye think its just about weight loss its not. Solutions is made up of 6 different brands. I know 1 out of those 6 might help you. I would love to share my info and love for them to show you how they can make your life easier and healthier . The 6 categories we have are: Skin Care Body Care Health Supplements Water and Air Filtration Systems Aromatherapy Oils Weight Loss I hope I haven't bored you too much for my first post. I’d love it if you could spread the word around and if you have any questions please contact me anytime.


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