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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS'Motivation is what gets you started & habit is what keeps you going.'
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What can you do in the next 2 weeks to bring more happiness to your life? #PowerfulQuestion
'I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.' - Thomas A. Edison
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Walk into the gym with the confidence that you're going to perform with Argi+. #FITnessJourney
Forever Living
Bees take advantage of it to clean their hives, why don't you try it for yourself? #Propolis #Forever
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'The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing' – Walt Disney
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Food variety is critical as it ensures that you get all the #nutrition you need. Evaluate your diet every so often & see where you could make changes. #HealthyEatingTips
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Forever Lite Ultra contains naturally flavoured plant powered protein to shake up your regime.
Forever Living
Containing warming agents and #aloe, this rich emollient lotion provides relief from everyday strains.
Are you eating a well-balanced #breakfast everyday?
'You will never motivate others unless you learn how to motivate yourself.'
'Surround yourself with those that challenge you, push you and motivate you.'