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Know Offence

University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland
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Empowering UCC to Respond to Sexual Violence The Know Offence campaign is an information campaign directed at the UCC student body.

Awareness - What is sexual violence?

Consent – voluntary and conscious agreement to every sexual contact. Using fear or threats to make someone do something is not consent.

Sexual assault – any unwanted sexual contact under any circumstances without consent.

Rape – any degree of sexual penetration, however slight, of the mouth, vagina or anus with a penis without consent. It is also rape to penetrate a vagina with an object without consent.


When someone tells you about his or her experience with sexual violence, remain calm, listen and speak with empathy.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual violence, please keep this information in mind.


Here is a step-by-step guide about what to do and what happens if you have been the victim of sexual violence and wish to report it to An Gardaí Síochána.

Ring An Gardaí Síochána on 999 or 112. They are the body responsible nationally for detecting crimes and preparing cases for court proceedings. They are the sole investigative agency of sexual violence, including past sexual abuse. The nearest station to UCC is Anglesea Street Garda station and their number is 021 452 2000.

What will happen?

Once a crime is reported to the Gardaí, they are obliged to investigate the crime and prepare an investigation file for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions as soon as possible.

Forensic evidence will be collected. This is done in Sexual Assault Treatment Units (SATUs) which are units based in hospitals specifically designed to collect forensic evidence. The earlier you report something, the greater the chance of prosecution. After a lapse of 7 days, little if any forensic evidence can be gathered.

The unit will also take the victims clothes if they are the clothes that were worn during the attack, as well as document any relevant forensic evidence.

Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections are also carried out, and the victim can access the results in a subsequent appointment. This includes provision of treatment such as emergency contraception and medication to reduce the possibility of developing sexually transmitted infections. There is no fee.

Remember – If you are over 18, nobody is legally obliged to report a sexual crime by a peer so you can access supports (see next page) confidentiality. Incidents which occurred when you were under 18 and/or highlight a risk to children raise different issues. For more information contact Supports.

Any sexual violence towards another student of University College Cork is a breach of the Student Rules and disciplinary measures may be taken to protect the welfare of students. However such measures will require the crime to be reported to the Gardaí and will not be taken until after criminal justice proceedings are complete.


If you are the victim or sexual violence, below is a list of support services that can help you through this difficult time.




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