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University Dental School and Hospital, Cork

Wilton, Cork, Cork, Ireland



Cork Dental school and Hospital.


Cork Dental School & Hospital have an opportunity for a Consultant/Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Dentistry. For full information on this post please visit ORE.UCC.IE

Senior House Officers We are currently recruiting for Senior House Officers in Oral Surgery, Restorative & Paediatric Dentistry to commence in August 2018. Please follow this link for full details.

“In your personal space” is an art experience that brings to you the Art & Science of Dentistry in a non-clinical and familiar setting of an art gallery. It explores the myths and mysteries of a field of healthcare that is often overlooked by the public for being painful, cryptic and unfriendly. This art experience was conceived for World Oral Health Day that is celebrated annually on the 20th of March. It will rotate around the UCC campus, including at the Glucksman Gallery in May and at various events and locations throughout the year. First stop of the exhibition is the Dental Hospital Lecture Theatre (DHLT) from 20-23 March. WHY Dental visits and its related patient experience is one that is often disliked, feared and a last resort when dealing with dental / facial pain and trauma. As it undoubtedly results in the invasion of one’s personal space and autonomy, this interactive experience is an opportunity see, touch, and feel the instruments that you may not be familiar with, and walk through the process of a routine dental procedure in an art form. This art experience aims at desensitising the public, including the UCC community with a visual 3D experience that is positive in nature. The exhibition is in 3 parts i.e. part 1 – mysteries, part 2 – myths, and part 3 – legends. HOW The art installations that you will witness and interact with this experience have been created using materials and products used in everyday Dentistry. WHO Sarah Jameel and Mishaim Mian, 4th and 3rd year Dental Students, respectively, at the Cork University Dental School & Hospital in Cork, Ireland, are behind the concept and creation of the art. Both Sarah and Mishaim worked together on some installations and independently on others. Sarah is a Quercus Active Citizenship Scholar at University College Cork and activist/ writer who has founded and worked on health related community projects and campaigns in the past. Mishaim is a self-taught artist and calligrapher with a successful social media following that purchase her art and related artistic merchandise. ENJOY!

Dr Catherine Gallagher will present this lecture - Explain which patients can benefit from sedation - Explain how to assess patients for sedation - Explain which situations cannot be managed with sedation For more information contact Catherine Nevin at or 021 490 1294. Fee €35

The BDS Summer conferring date has been confirmed as Friday 15 June. more information to follow soon....

Diploma in Dental Nursing - Important update The closing date for applications for the Diploma in Dental Nursing has been extended to 6 April 2018 at 5pm. For full details please go to

Dr Frank Burke on his way to the Dental Hospital to act as Presiding Examiner for the National Dental Examination Board of Canada! Also pictured are the invigilators who trudged through snow to get here!


NEAR University Dental School and Hospital, Cork

Glen River Park

Cork, Ireland
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