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Cork Educate Together National School

, Cork, Ireland
Elementary School



What is the Cork Educate Together N.S.?

The C.E.T.N.S. (formerly Cork School Project N.S.) is one of a growing number of schools established by parental action in response to their changing needs in an increasingly pluralist society.

When the C.E.T.N.S. opened in 1987 the enrolment was 75 pupils, taught by three teachers. The enrolment has increased to 240 pupils and twelve teachers over the years. The school has an administrative principal, eight classroom teachers, two resource teachers and a support teacher.

What are the school's curriculum aims?

In every area of the curriculum, the underlying aims are two-fold:

1. The full and harmonious development of the potential of each child.

2. The promotion of cultural enrichment.

Attitudes of self-confidence, self-awareness and self-respect are encouraged. Mutual regard for each other and for each other's viewpoints should permeate the wide range of activities that are carried out within the school.

What is on the curriculum?

The curriculum includes Gaeilge, English, Mathematics, Social and Environmental Studies (History, Geography, Nature Study, Elementary Science, Civics), Art and Craft, Music, Physical Education and Religious Education.

How is the subject of Religion handled in the multi-denominational context?

The Religious Education Core Curriculum is designed to help children to understand the religious and other traditions that they will meet in their environment and to help them to be sensitive to the ultimate questions posed by life and to the dimension or mystery and wonder that underlies all human experience.

The Religious Education Programme is not denominationally based. The school also facilitates groups parents in the provision of denominational instruction as required by them for their children.

What role can parents play in the school?

Parents who wish to do so, and who have any skills or knowledge, are encouraged to help the teachers carry out special projects or classes with the children. The participation of parents at home is also important:

"The attitude of parents towards their child's primary school and their interest in their education there, form the most potent single group of factors affecting the child's attainment".

How is the school run?

The C.E.T.N.S. is set up as a Limited Company, with parents becoming 'shareholders' if they wish as Project Members.

A Board of Management, which includes the Principal, elected parents and nominees of the Executive Committee and teachers, oversees the day-to-day affairs of the school.


A very big thank you to the PTA for providing each child with a delicious pancake for Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Tuesday/Máirt na hInide/Mardi Gras & lots of other celebrations throughout the world 🥞

Winter Fair 2017. Yet again a very successful Winter Fair, the PTA pulled out all the stops to ensure everybody who attended had so much fun. This year the CETNS school calendar was for sale, it’s fantastic every child & staff member features in their birth month. There’s still a few available from the office so get your hands on them while they last!

5th class will tomorrow celebrate Thanksgiving with a delicious lunch, which will form the basis for a cookbook which is their Winter Fair craft. So looking forward to sampling all the tasty dishes!

Just a reminder that swimming begins tomorrow for 2nd & 5th classes.

The children from 4th, 5th & 6th classes spent the past two weeks engaging in this Language Awareness Project with students from the Department of Linguistics in UCC. A parent in the school, Barbara, organised the project & the children had so much fun & learned a lot! It culminated in a little party & presentations last Friday.

The children in school have been receiving P.E. Lessons from UCC students for the past 2 weeks. Here’s a little video of 5th class’ dance lesson today, they had so much fun!

For Science Week today the whole school experienced the Blackrock Observatory Sky Dome. It was an awesome experience for children from Juniors to 6th class. It was difficult to photograph as it was the night sky but here’s a glimpse!

Our Halloween parade for the Irish Cancer Society was a huge success. The effort that went into costume making and raising money was incredible. Well done to everybody who participated. We raised just over €1,400!

Our Halloween Parade tomorrow will round off a pretty eventful week & indeed half term. This year it's in aid of the Irish Cancer Society. Looking forward to seeing all the scary costumes in the morning!

Beidh bricfeasta blasta againn go léir ar maidin! We'll all have a delicious breakfast this morning!

3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th classes completed a Maths trail composed by Christine, so much fun was had by all & some Maths learning took place!
