Cork Educate Together Secondary School. Follow us on Twitter @CorkETSS See our website A new multi-denominational, co-educational Educate Together Secondary School opening for first year pupils in September 2016. the school will be located in Douglas.
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facebook.comAnother great article about our Official School Launch in todays Evening Echo.
Over 300 people joined us in the Rochestown Park Hotel last Tuesday night for our School Open Night. Thank you to all who attended.
Cork Educate Together Secondary School was launched in UCC last night by UCC President Emeritus Professor Michael Mortell, along with Professor Áine Hyland and Dr. Emer Nowlan (Chief Operations Officer of Educate Together) and Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr. Joe Kavanagh. Also in attendance on the night were representatives from a diverse range of political and community groups, our staff and school management and our students and their families.
Our principal Colm went to several local primary schools today to tell the students about our school - visiting St Columba's GNS, St Columba's BNS, Our Lady of Lourdes NS and Rockboro Primary School. You can learn more about Cork Educate Together Secondary School at our Open Night on Tuesday 27th September 2016 at 7.30pm in the Rochestown Park Hotel.
CETSS School Open Night ** Date Change** Please join us for our School Open Night on Tuesday 27th September 2016 at 7.30pm in the Rochestown Park Hotel. It will be a great opportunity to learn more about our school and our principal Colm will discuss enrolment for 2017 and 2018. All very welcome.
An article about our 21st century school in todays Evening Echo
Check out some more pictures of our very exciting first day as we welcomed our 1st year students and their families to our new school for the very first time
Great atmosphere on our first day. Pictured below are our new 1st year students with our principal Colm, one of our staff Pam and our guest Emer Nowlan Chief Operating Officer with Educate Together More pictures to follow later!!!