Cork College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cork college of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded to teach the very best of TCM. Specialising in Acupuncture, Moxabustion, Cupping and Qi Gong About the Cork College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The college is a College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). We have a Western Medicine Module in the first year and is a requirement for those students who are not trained in Western Medicine, the focus is on the study, practice, understanding and application of Traditional Chinese Medicine. TCM has a unique, detailed and deep understanding of the human being and his/her place in the Universe. TCM has it‘s own unique view of health, how it may break down, and how such a break down is diagnosed and treated. In our college this is clearly understood and our teaching is given on the basis of this understanding.
At the Cork College of TCM you will learn how to use this vast body of knowledge that is TCM to accurately diagnose and treat your patients according to the principles of TCM.
Our methods have been tried and tested in other institutions, and are the methods through which our lecturers have been taught and these have not been found wanting. At the end of our course you can be assured that you will be a capable practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine fully versed in the modalities of Acupuncture, Medical Qi Gong, Moxibustion, Cupping, Dietary therapy and Life-style advice according to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine which has been tried and tested over many hundreds of years.
About the Director.
Alan Sheehy began studying Traditional Chinese culture by way of the martial arts in 1980. Studying Gong Fu intensively he reached Black Sash level in 1987. Realising that this was merely the “tip of the iceberg” he began his studies in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture with the ICTCM in 1993. Graduating in 1996 he continued studying full Chinese Herbal Medicine gaining a full Chinese Herbal Medicine Diploma in 1998.
In 1999 he studied briefly with Mazin Alkhafagi a renowned specialist in the treatment of skin diseases.
In 2000 Alan went to China to study Medical Qi Gong in the Guangzhou University of TCM, P.R.C. For Alan this proved to be the binding and understanding on which all of the modalities of TCM and Chinese therapeutic exercise such as Tai Ji Quan, (and the rest of the Internal Arts) as well as Gong Fu (Kung Fu/Wu Shu) are based.
In 2002 Alan again returned to China to take part in research into the effects of Medical Qi Gong on the brain chemistry in particular.
Alan completed his Diploma in Medical Qi Gong in 2005 and has continued studying and teaching lay students and practitioners ever since.
In 2013 Alan completed an in depth study of gynaecology and obstetrics and its treatment with TCM covering areas such as menstrual regulation, menstrual diseases, fertility, menopause. Alan holds a diploma in TCM gynaecology/obstetrics and is an Associate of Dr. Trevor Wing, (Women’s Natural Health Practice, Harley St. and Richmond London).