Young Knocknaheeny is a community change programme which aims to improve the lives of all children in the area from pre-birth to 6 and their families Young Knocknaheeny is a community change initiative which aims to improve outcomes for children from birth to six years, by empowering and developing skills of parents, practitioners, services and organisations. Young Knocknaheeny will facilitate and support a whole community approach.
Young Knocknaheeny will work with all children and their families in the areas of
• Knocknaheeny
• Hollyhill
• Churchfield
• Gurranabraher
The programme has four strands, which are designed to support child well-being. The strands are:
• Infant Health and Well-being, e.g. Baby clinics, IMH training.
• Pre-school and Early Education, e.g. ECERS, training, coaching.
• Speech, Language, and Literacy, e.g whole class approach, training, coaching.
• Pro-social Behaviour, e.g Incredible Years whole class / parent programme, teacher classroom management.
Young Knocknaheeny will be underpinned by Research and Evaluation.
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facebook.comDaddy Matters
ZERO TO THREE has teamed up with YouTube star La Guardia Cross to create “Daddy Matters,” a 4-part web series explores why dads matter and what matters to dads. La Guardia is the creator of New Father Chronicles which captures life with his adorable young daughters. His candid and always comedic take on life as a dad has drawn millions of engaged viewers and sparks lively conversations on his social media channels. La Guardia was named to Ebony’s Power 100 list and is a leading national voice for dads. Daddy Matters episodes are supremely entertaining and at the same time serve as great discussion-starters about important ways dads support their children’s early development. Check out episode 1 now, which addresses the adjustment to fatherhood and learning from the inevitable mistakes all parents make and enjoy new episodes throughout June
Congratulations to all in Niche on winning the Lord Mayor's Community and Voluntary Award in the Category - Health and Wellbeing. Keep up all the good work!
The Life On Purpose Movement
This 4 minute video gives a great insight from children into how it feels to get mad and tips about what to do to help stay in control and calm down
Lemon Lime Adventures
It is always important to remember that young children are still learning skills like self-control and turn taking as well as the impact that other people, tiredness, hunger etc have on their behaviours! All behaviour has meaning!
Child Care Resource & Referral of Multnomah County
This is an interesting article about thinking how we help children to cope with the struggles and difficult times that they will face during childhood and prepare them for their whole life.
Fathers Network Scotland
Some lovely books for Dads and children to enjoy together
Cork City Libraries are having a number of talks around the city in the coming months. Blackpool Library are having 3 talks: A Positive Approach to Parenting Tuesday 11th May 2017 at 11:30 am Getting to know your baby/toddler Wednesday 14th June 2017 at 11:30 am Helping Your Child to Develop Their Social Skills Tuesday 15th August 2017 at 11:30 am They all sound really interesting so please like and share to help others find out about these events.
Paint Your Bump Day for Maternal Mental Health Awareness
Paint Your Bump Day for Maternal Mental Health Awareness shared this very honest and moving blog post from a woman who experienced the loss of a baby early in her pregnancy. It is so important for those who experience a loss to be able to grieve and allow themselves to process what has happened to them. The Paint your Bump campaign is scheduled to launch on the 3rd of May 2017. Please share this campaign with your friends and followers on social media. The goal is to reach as many women as possible #PYB2017
Bump to Birth to Baby
Wonderful tips shared by moms and midwives for after the birth of your baby
Fathers Network Scotland
It is good to hear a father's perspective on postnatal depression. PND in Dad's is something that many of us have not heard or thought about enough and having honest open accounts like those in this article are crucial for helping break through barriers of silence.
Shine A Light Suicide Awareness
Hi All, at 6:30 this evening in Terrance Mac Swiney Community College Senator Frances Black will launch the Cork Community Action on Alcohol Northside (Knocknaheeny, Hollyhill, Gurranabraher, Churchfield) local Action Plan on Alcohol. This is a free event with tea, coffee and light refreshments. The launch will coincide with a performance the new community play: “Billy’s Choice”; The main theme of “Billy’s Choice” is based upon the choices adults make involving alcohol. The play is authentic, informative and lighthearted in parts using the very best of drama and storytelling to start the conversation about alcohol. This event is open to persons aged 18+ and would be of particular interest to Parents and Concerned persons.
Open Morning
YOUNG KNOCKNAHEENY would like to invite you to our drop-in information morning to hear more about what we do and how you and your family can get more involved. It will take place on Tuesday the 4th of April from 10am to 11:30am in the Youth Centre beside Supervalu. Teas and coffees will be provided and there will by toys for your little ones to play with. We look forward to seeing you there if you can make it.