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Billy Tague, Chiropractor

Rivendell, Mountain Road, Cork, Ireland



Welcome to my page in Facebook. I am here to provide information about me, chiropractic and most importantly to help you with your health issues. For over 35 years I have been trying my best to provide the best in chiropractic care for my patients. I would like to do the same with you.

The purpose of this Facebook page is to give you access and insight into my world as a chiropractor and the wonders of the human body.

Our bodies are incredible creations! Yes, at times they do need a bit of help. But if our conscious minds were left to run all the processes involved with keeping us alive, we wouldn't last a minute.

It's not enough to run to a health practitioner only when pain shows up. Maintaining true health and wellness involves conscious action.

Life is full of possibilities for you. If information you find here opens new doors or leads you to my door, brilliant! Enjoy!


Here’s What Happens to Your Body When You Take a Break from Exercise

Is not as bad as this for some of us but the general idea is spot on: that you get out of shape very soon after stopping exercise. So keep it going, or get back on track as quickly as you can!

Is my birthday today, plan to be around for many more birthdays and continue helping you all be healthy!

Baby's First Chiropractic Adjustment

One of the best things you can do for your children is to get their spines checked by a chiropractor. Parents are often slow to do this, thinking that their child is too young or has no pain or is too fragile for spinal adjustments. Birth can be tough and look at what they get up to later when they get motoring around the house, garden, school, sports field, etc. All the more reason to get them checked, the earlier the better. As you can see in this video the chiropractor does not crack or twist the baby's spine, but applies light finger pressure. At birth babies bones are mainly cartilage and many are not yet fused into complete bones. Most of their muscles have less tone or tightness compared with older children and especially we stiff old adults, so for me they are the easiest to adjust. I love it when children come in, makes my day. Recently I adjusted a 2 week old baby boy, brilliant! I only wish more parents would bring in their kids...

Why I LOVE being a chiropractor | Dr. Debbie Thompson

This lovely woman explains what for me are the best things about being a chiropractor.

Dr. Jason Higgins - San Diego chiropractor funniest video!

Wild & Roaming

One visit with me and you'll be able to do this:

Timeline Photos

The gym, not for me! I find it boring as hell and would only use it for rehabilitation work if ever I need some. I may consider getting some dumbbells for use at home, but haven't gone for this as yet. Please don't get offended if you are in love with the gym, but I can suggest a good therapist. Seriously, I believe we are all different and whatever floats your boat is the way to go, but make sure you set sail and not just sunbathe on the shore! Use your imagination, most people can find some way to keep a body fit. We are meant to move, get out of breath now and again, and to use all of our muscles sometimes. For regular light exercise, I walk most days. For cardio to get my heart pumping, I use the trampoline. As far as strength work goes, I help out a guy with heavy landscaping/tree work and do heavy jobs around my own place. Am open to more possibilities on other methods of strength training, any ideas?

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Janis Ian

Excessive or certain strains of sound can wreak havoc on your body and cause many types of imbalances. This goes for our pets as well....

Janis Ian

Let your body do what it was created to do

We think that by using our brilliant minds to figure out every detail of our bodies we will cure all human ills. How's that working out for us so far? Is mind boggling to even try to imagine this using our present pool of knowledge. It is great that we do research and maybe sometime in the far distant future we will understand how it all works. While we are waiting, wouldn't it be best to listen to our bodies and give them the best chance of thriving by giving them what they want? Let's reduce the stresses to our bodies by keeping exposure of chemicals to a minimum, taking regular mild and vigorous exercise, eating and drinking the most natural of foods and by keeping interference to our brain and nerve system to a minimum. This will give our bodies fewer obstacles as they continue to take care of us and run all the countless number of processes taking place within us. It's really not rocket science, only common sense...

An Inconvenient Truth Regarding Children’s Health

Children's Health Here's some information, all of which I've been thinking about and dealing with for most of my life. Whatever we've been doing as regards our children's health is not working. We must find the true causes of the chronic diseases and conditions that have become so prevalent, opening our minds to all possibilities without letting any entrenched dogmas get in the way. When the truth is uncovered, we must do whatever we have to do to prevent these diseases by eliminating the causes and not by only treating the effects.

F4CP Infographics: Education of a DC - Minimum of 7 Years

I think most people don't realise the extent of a USA chiropractor's education. I spent 2 years getting the necessary prerequisites for admission to Sherman College of Chiropractic, and spent another 4 years there. A total of 6 years college for me back in the 1970's, now it's 7 years! I hated high school and college but wanted so much to be a chiropractor that I went through all those years of people telling me what to do in order to get my qualifications. This illustration shows some of the subjects we are taught and the practical, clinical training involved:

Spinal Movement is an Essential Requirement of Good Health

Over the years I've been listening to too many brainy doctors and scientists say that chiropractors are a bunch of unscientific quacks. I still have trouble believing that they can't see what is right behind them. Maybe if their spines were in front so they could look at them every day they would get the message, I don't know. I think this guy, Dr Sperry did get the message
