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Mosaic Marketing

, Cork, Ireland
Business Service



Mosaic Marketing uses a multi-faceted approach to deliver results – from the tiniest detail to the big picture


An easier way to manage interactions across Facebook, Instagram and Messenger

Do you have the new integrated inbox? Facebook is rolling out a new feature where you can respond to Facebook messages and Instagram messages in your inbox! Very handy indeed!

Timeline Photos

Facebook has recently changed their algorithm in favour of longer videos. Previously, shorter videos performed better...and time will tell if that stands! Facebook is now offering in-play ads, meaning that videos longer than 90 seconds may be interrupted at the halfway point with a video ad. In order to push this new advertising offering, Facebook is favouring longer videos over shorter ones when determining reach.

Timeline Photos

Snapchat Spectacles review

Snapchat spectacles are available now - what do you think?

Daniel and Naomi test

Daniel and Naomi test

It was this time last year that Mosaic Marketing was an idea bursting through to reality.... and what a year it's been! I've met and worked with truly amazing and inspiring people - both as clients and as partners - worked on interesting, fun and creative campaigns. It's been busy since day one and I couldn't be more grateful for this past year and each and every one of you! In an exciting twist of events, I'm delighted to announce that Mosaic Marketing will be merging with Dyjaho. I have accepted a position as Head of Digital and am looking forward to all the new adventures that lie ahead! Everything will remain the same in the sense that I will continue to work with my current clients, and am available for anybody looking for help with marketing, speaking events, etc. - but now with a team of creative marketeers specialising in Branding & Strategy, Market Research... and of course, digital marketing! The Mosaic site will no longer represent my business, but will remain as a blog where I will share marketing related posts. Follow Dyjaho and we'll be sharing marketing tips and articles.

Facebook says it miscalculated more metrics, but it’s telling advertisers not to worry

More bad news for business pages! Facebook metrics could drop as much as 55% ...


We'll be doing a Digital Marketing Workshop this Friday at the Bank of Ireland with Entrepreneurs Anonymous. Don't miss it!


Obermutten. A little village goes global.

This small town in Switzerland wanted to increase tourism... and did so brilliantly! An excellent Facebook campaign blurred the lines between 'real life' and 'online life' by posting photos of everybody who liked their Facebook page on their village bulletin board. Soon, the board was full but the town held to their word covering sides of buildings and restaurants with faces of their fans. Four out of five fans interact with the page, beating out pages such as Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Marketing Mogul Coca Cola!

Entrepreneurs Anonymous Cork

I'll be doing a digital marketing workshop in conjunction with Entrepreneurs Anonymous. If you are looking to learn how to take your business to the next level online, sign up here:

Everybody likes to buy. Nobody likes to be sold to.

Everybody likes to buy. Nobody likes to be sold to. This is one of my favourite quotes related to marketing, because it’s so true. Retail therapy is a thing. And for good reason. People like to shop. They like to buy products and services that make them feel good and make their lives easier. But have you ever encountered a pushy salesperson? Did you feel compelled or repelled? There is a difference between pampering and pushy. A pampering salesperson is tuned in to your needs and helps you find what you are looking for… and sometimes you come away with more than you initially intended. But you feel good. A pushy salesperson, on the other hand, sucks the joy out of shopping. They make you feel pressured. And if you do succumb, you leave with regret, not satisfaction. The idea of being customer-focused is so over-familiar in marketing circles, and yet the most recurring stumbling block businesses find in their marketing efforts is the ‘me, me, me’ approach. Click below to read more

Digital Marketing Masterclass

Digital Marketing Masterclass! I will be speaking at this event along with SEO specialist, Gavin Duff and Instagram specialist & Photographer, Kevin Kuster. An event not to be missed!

The 5 Things Every (Great) Marketing Story Needs - Copyblogger

Finding and telling a compelling marketing story is key to your digital marketing success...more important than knowing all the tactics and hacks in the world is resonating with people. Here is a fantastic article on how to tell a great marketing story (Hint: make your customer your hero)


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