Hendrick Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing tips and tactics
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facebook.com5 Brand that Rock on Instagram https://zoehendrick.wordpress.com/2016/12/01/5-brand-that-rock-on-instagram
Video is no longer an "up-and-coming" marketing tactic -- it's here, and it's a powerful way to communicate your brand story, explain your value proposition, and build relationships with your customers. As marketers find more innovative ways to grab people's attention, video has become a meaningful part of the strategic marketing conversation. It’s no secret that the use of video in content marketing is on the rise. [ 176 more words ] https://zoehendrick.wordpress.com/2016/11/09/video-marketing-3-great-irish-examples-who-do-it-right
Hey guys, Check out my latest blog post. I talk about 5 ways to improve your Facebook page.
The annual Doodle 4 Google competition is now open for entries.
Important news from Samsung!