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Coffee art. A great way to have a competitive advantage and create sharing !
Paus' Marketing
A very original & creative initiative from Coca-Cola that created lots of sharing: an advertising poster giving free Cokes!
Instagram now has almost twice the number of users as the entire U.S. population
Great news for the social platform
Integrated Live: Four Reasons Social Influencers are More Effective for Marketers Than Celebrities
You are wondering if the best for your company is a celebrity or an influencer? Read this :)
Best Practices in Social Video: How to Use Facebook Video for Business
This article gives great tips about Facebook videos. Enjoy :)
YouTube Reveals 2016's Top 10 Christmas Ads
According to the Digital Marketing Magazine in UK, here's the top 10 of Christmas ads. Are you inspired now ?
When Fame is no Longer Enough: Brand Ambassadors in the Age of Social Media
The importance of brand ambassadors in the connected world.
How does Colour Affect Consumer Behaviour? | Digital Marketing Magazine
An important point for your product, packaging, advertising but also logo, website and so on.
Free training from Google
Don't miss this opportunity guys ;)
Best augmented-reality apps
To continue with the augmented reality, here's the top 20 of apps using this technology.
Video marketing: 3 Irish examples of best practice
Another blog post, don't hesitate to take a look of the rest of my articles ;)
After the success of Pokémon Go!, what is the future for augmented reality?
Augmented reality, the new trend on digital marketing. Here's an atricle from the Guardian about its evolution :)