We value businesses based on its commercial and financial attributes for buyers/sellers of businesses, investors, bankers, and for tax purposes.
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Are you buying or selling a business? Make sure you get the right valuation done! Call us on 021-4297777, we are based in #Cork & #Dublin and can help with any valuation needed.
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Check out our guide to valuing a company. Don't hesitate in calling us on 021-4297777 for a private chat about your business; no matter what size, near or far from us. Offices in #Cork & #Dublin and we can travel to you anywhere in Ireland!
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Some of the key composites of a business valuation include its net asset value, the value of its intangibles, the perceived ability of the business to generate cash flows into the future etc... Want to find out more? Get the expertise you need! Call us for a confidential chat, no matter what type of business you or your client has. 021-4297777 We have offices based in #Cork and #Dublin.
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Want a proper extensive independent valuation for your client? Enquire about our services confidentially today. 021-4297777
At Condor Business Valuations we provide independent valuations to: Sellers & Buyers of Business Investors Banks Executors Tax Calculations Call 021-4297777-Offices in Cork & Dublin and we can travel to you anywhere in Ireland!
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We provide expert valuation for all your needs! Don't hesitate in calling us on 021-4297777 for a private chat about your business; no matter what size. Offices in Cork & Dublin and we can travel to you anywhere in Ireland!
Business Xchange
Check out our guide to valuing a company. Don't hesitate in calling us on 021-4297777 for a private chat about your business; no matter what size. Offices in Cork & Dublin and we can travel to you anywhere in Ireland!
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Thinking of selling your business or assessing the value of a client's business and want a formal concise report? Press the 'Call Now' Button Above on our profile 24/7 for a quick private chat about your business and our services. Offices in Cork & Dublin and we can travel to you anywhere in Ireland! It is essential that purchasers, brokers and lenders seek advice from valuers who have the specialist knowledge necessary to appreciate current and future market conditions.
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Thinking of selling your business or assessing the value of a client's business and want a formal concise report? Press the 'Call Now' Button Above on our profile 24/7 for a quick private chat about your business and our services. Offices in Cork & Dublin and we can travel to you anywhere in Ireland! It is essential that purchasers, brokers and lenders seek advice from valuers who have the specialist knowledge necessary to appreciate current and future market conditions.
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Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for your clients to get the advice needed for buying/ selling their business, so they can focus on what matters most to them, maximising the value of their business, with our help. Get the expertise you need! Call us for a confidential chat, no matter what type of business you or your client has. 021-4297777