Appearance Matters
We offer a full range of beauty services at Appearance Matters and are experts in electrolysis, waxing, tinting, spray tans, facials, manicures, make-ups Having opened its doors in 1996, Appearance Matters has always focused on expert, professional friendly service using only professional products.
I strive to be the best at what I do and the fact that I am still here after 19 years I hope that I have achieved that and will continue to do so in the future.
I do a whole range of services from electrolysis, non-surgical facelifts, facials, waxing, tinting, spray tans, make-ups, manicures, full body exfoliation.
I am open at times that suit you.
My prices are quite competitive - they will not put a hole in your pocket!
There is plenty of space for parking at the salon - AND IT IS FREE!