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Doneraile Literary Arts Festival

Main Street, Cork, Ireland
Arts & Entertainment



The Doneraile Literary and Arts Society The Doneraile Literary and Arts Society is an independent group of volunteers founded to continue the great tradition of literature in the locality. In fact there existed in 1840 a Doneraile Literary Society and it was as a tribute to their great efforts that the society was reignited. The Committee, a ragtag group of natives and blowin’s, sole aim is to run a festival each year which will be as free to the public as possible. We embrace the concept of all that being free encapsulates namely that literature and arts should be unfettered, unbridled, limitless and open to all. We believe that Irish people’s true wealth lies in their natural talent as wordsmiths, poets and creators and we endeavour in our festival to mould an ambiance of inventiveness, encouragement, originality and of course good natured wildness
