I practice Homeopathy in Bellevue Clinic, Mallow, Co.Cork and An Riocht, Crageens, Castleisland, Co.Kerry. Appointments can be made by phone or email. Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that treats the individual rather than the disease.
Homeopathy is a therapy that recognises that individuals function on several levels: Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The aim is to restore overall health to the individual. It can be used safely in conjunction with conventional medicine.
The benefits of homeopathy include its affordability, its gentleness on your body and its effectiveness – It really does work!
How does it work?
It works on the principle of “like cures like” which simply means that a substance that would normally cause symptoms in a healthy person can help heal someone who is experiencing similar symptoms. For example, think of the onion and the effect it has on you when you cut into it. Your eyes sting, get red and start to water. Allium Cepa is a remedy made from red onion and is major remedy for Hayfever which has these symptoms.
What can homeopathy be used for?
It can be used for a wide variety of complaints whether the person has had the symptoms for a long or a short period of time. It is excellent in first aid situations such as burns or stings, sports injuries, sprains and shock from an accident.
It is also effective for everyday complaints such as:
o coughs and colds,
o sore throats,
o food poisoning
o constipation or diarrhoea,
o headaches,
o teething and ear infections (which often go together in children)
Chronic complaints can be treated quite effectively too. These complaints may include:
o Insomnia
o Arthritis
o Menstrual issues
o Anxiety/ depression
o Recurring conditions such as cystitis or sinusitis.
o And many more long term conditions.
Homeopathic remedies are suitable for all the family, young or old but babies and children in particular respond very well to homeopathy and accurately chosen remedies will speed up recovery and alleviate pain.
What happens during a Homeopathic Consultation?
The first consultation can last from 1 hour to 1 ½ hours. The aim is to determine the root cause of the person’s illness or complaint. You will be asked a range of questions about each symptom as the homeopath tries to get as complete a picture as possible of what is going on with your illness or complaint. All information is strictly confidential. The follow up consultations are usually between ½ - 1hr.
To make an appointment contact Susan McCarthy Lic. I.S.H on 086-3754125.
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facebook.comHomeopathy to me has been a tool to return people to the part of themselves that is innately well. It helps to ease the stresses and strains on your vitality that can be caused by grief, shocks, unexpressed emotion or unresolved issues. I have found this for myself as well and take comfort in knowing that despite any state of unease we are in there is always a place that is well within us and that can be reached.
Nicotine Withdrawal This is the time of year where people are attempting to give up their vices, with Tobacco being one a popular one. Homeopathy can be very helpful in treating the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and with bringing ease once again. The symptoms of Nictotine withdrawal can include: coughing, intense nicotine cravings, tingling in feet and hands, insomnia, headaches, sweating, nausea and intestinal cramping, depression, weight gain, sore throat and coughing, difficulty focusing, irritability and anxiety. There are a few homeopathic remedies in particular that may help: -Nux Vomica: This is your treatment if you observe you are becoming irritable, you feel slow and tend to overeat to compensate the need to smoke. - Saccharum Officinale: When quitting smoking there can be a craving for sugar and the worry that there may be weight gain due to this can put people off quitting. This remedy given a few days before quitting may reduce the sugar cravings and make it easier to quit. Cigarettes contain sugar as well as nicotine so it’s no wonder the withdrawal can include these cravings also. - Tabacum: This can help reduce the cravings when you quit smoking and can help detox tobacco and nicotine from your system. It is always best to consult a qualified homeopath for a constitutional treatment as everyone can react differently to withdrawal. Homeopathy can be a great help along the way to this lifestyle change and the support of a homeopath while you are admirably making this change can be of great benefit . Once you quit smoking, the good news is that your organs will start repairing themselves. The herbal tinctures Avena Sativa and Passiflora can be very helpful support also to support you nervous system during this time. N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement known as 'willpower in a bottle' and has been shown in studies to reduce the level of cravings on quitting smoking.
Dental Work Homeopathy can be very helpful when having dental work done. - Arnica is a great remedy to help ease the pain and swelling during and after treatment. - Ledum is helpful where there is pain in the site of injection of local anesthetic. - Hypericum can ease the symptoms of nerve pain which can be shooting pain throughout the mouth. - Aconite can help if there is fear or panic before attending the dentist. Homeopathic remedies can prove valuable in making treatments more comfortable. Plantago tincture has been found most beneficial when rubbed onto or around a tooth or teeth that are sensitive to hot or cold, or applied as a “toothache tincture” into a cavity.
Cold sore treatment Cold sores often occur at this time of year when your immunity can be low. They are small sores or blisters that develop on the lips or around the mouth, often red, that can tingle, itch or burn. They can be quite painful. As they develop they can be filled with fluid. They are caused by a virus, the herpes simplex virus. They usually last for a week or two. They are treatable with homeopathy and when you first feel the tingling sensation of one about to come up, the remedy Nat Mur can be very helpful. The remedy Rhus Tox can help at the more advanced stage when fluid is seeping from the sore. - An effective way to treat a cold sore externally is to use lemon balm tea which you can buy in a health store. Add 2 teabags of lemon balm tea to one cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 10 – 15 minutes and then soak a cotton ball in the tea and dab onto the cold sore at least 4 times a day. You can also drink a few cups of lemon balm tea each day to eliminate the virus from the body. - The amino acid L-lysine can also help treat the virus that causes the cold sore. This is taken in supplement form 20 minutes before or after food. Cold sores usually clear up within a week or two but if they don’t or they are constantly reoccurring a constitutional remedy from a qualified homeopath can be helpful as it can get to the root cause and treat any underlying stresses that might be triggering your symptoms..
Homeopathic Remedies for Flu Homeopathic remedies can be very effective for treating the symptoms of flu which can vary from fever and lethargy to pains that feel deep within the bones. Aconite, Bryonia, Gelsemium and Eupatorium Perfolatum are a few of the remedies that can help. See the chart to distinguish between the remedies & symptoms. These remedies are available from your local healthstore or by contacting your local homeopath for an acute prescription.
Concentration, Focus & Memory It can be hard to get back into the swing of things, particularly if you have had time off over Christmas. Returning to work you might find that your ability to focus or concentrate might be a bit sluggish. There are many supplements and food choices that can help support your nervous system and get you back on track: - A good quality Vitamin B Complex can help with energy and focus. Choline is an important B vitamin for memory. - Rhodiola is a wonderful herb that can help with concentration and memory and adapts to deal with any stresses going on in the body. - Fish/ Flax or Hemp oil can help boost your levels of essential fatty acids which are important for brain health. There are several homeopathic remedies that have a particular affinity with the nervous system: -Kali Phos - A remedy particularly for people with nervous exhaustion from stress. - Silicea – Concentration and memory difficulties due to lack of physical and mental stamina. - Baryta Carb - Where there is very weak memory and difficulty concentrating with poor comprehension. Homeopathy can be a great support to bring about balance once again. A constitutional treatment can leave you feeling better in yourself and can be a great way to start this New Year.