Turn your dreams into reality with Angelic Integrated Energy Therapy healing, mindfulness courses or guidance from your own personal card reading. xx Aurora offer children and parent and toddler yoga classes, meditation classes and Therapeutic treatments together with nutritional advice and personal plans. Classes are open to adults and children of all abilities and age. Love and Light to you xx
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I felt very drawn to choosing a card from my guardian angel deck of cards. For those who are going through a fight at the moment with a given situation or those who just need reassurance that all will be okay then these are the cards for you. No matter what life throws at us there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Never give up hope in your situation or yourselves. Comment A B C in the comments below and I'll post the meanings tomorrow. Always remember you are never alone 😘😘😘 xxxx
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When the things in life that used to worry you seem pointless all you can do is smile 😀😀 xx
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Love light and happiness to all earth angels xx
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Have a wonderful day filled with love and light xxx
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Exciting new courses xx
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A message from above xxx
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Please comment below. Readings will be done on Skype or face to face xx
Photos from Aurora Centreofwellbeing's post
Some of my upcoming workshops please free to contact me for further information. All courses will be based in CORK at Between Two Worlds Unit 1 Kilnap Industrial Park, Old Mallow Road,Blackpool Cork xxx
Photos from Aurora Centreofwellbeing's post
Some of my upcoming workshops please free to contact me for further information. All courses will be based in CORK at Between Two Worlds Unit 1 Kilnap Industrial Park, Old Mallow Road,Blackpool Cork xxx