Qualififed Fitness Instructor, Team Sports Fitness and Personal Trainer through the National Council for Exercise and Health Fitness, University of Limerick I am a Personal Trainer with nutrition qualifications based in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. I design programmes and menus to suit you, your goals, and time frame. I complete the sessions in your own home or local gym, wherever suits you! Sessions are pay as you go or blocks of 6
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facebook.comWith the New Year upon us and most people back in work and back to a routine, how are you feeling after the holidays? Relaxed? Refreshed? Sluggish? Over indulged? While the holidays are a time to spend with our nearest and dearest, we are all too often tempted to over eat. But the New Year can be a time to set ourselves back on track, or even on a new track to achieve new goals! For more information, comment 'New Year' or DM me to book a free consultation and measurements!
Hands up if you love chocolate 🙌 We all have our weaknesses, chocolate is mine. For others it's crisps or biscuits or a particular takeaway. Now while I do give in, I don't overindulge (well, not all the time!) It's all about your mindset and your determination. Do you really need a sugar hit? Then choose a smaller bar. It will satisfy your craving and you won't feel as guilty as if you had picked up a big bar. Or have nuts, yogurt or fruit on hand to snack on! Your energy and waistline will thank you!
Health is relationship between your mind and your body Learning how to listen to your body takes time but is a lesson well learned! Your body is the best judge of what you need be it food, exercise, water, or rest. The best way to connect with your body is to associate feelings with food/activities. Do you feel sluggish after a takeaway? Do you feel energised after a certain type of exercise? Keep track of your feelings and what works for you and your body and mind will be a happier place to live! You only get one life: live it love it, enjoy it <3
Are you going to the gym to lose weight? Do you find yourself working hard during your session only to get a takeaway afterwards? Or snack on crisps or chocolate in front of the TV and all of your good intentions falling to the wayside? If you're willing to go to the gym and push yourself to your limits but are not willing to change your eating habits to achieve your goals, then you should be asking yourself how much you really want it? Do you really want to lose those inches and feel happier and more confident in yourself? Ask me how! Small changes can make a massive difference!
Persistence gets you to your goal! Consistency in your choices is the key to staying at your goal and exceeding it! Everyday choices have a big impact on your goals, whether it's losing weight, completing a 10km run, or lifting more. So next time you're buying a coffee or paying for fuel at a service station and that chocolate bar catches your eye ask yourself 'do I need this? Will this help/hinder my journey?'
The difference between you now and in 6 months time is what you eat, drink, think and do!! The time will pass anyway so why not make some small positive changes to reach your full potential? Ask me how!
Are you looking forward to a Christmas night out? (is it too early to talk about it?!) Are you trying on different outfits and not happy with what you see? Would you like to be happy in your own skin? A few simple changes in your mindset and daily decisions can make a big difference to your confidence, energy levels and physique!
These are Brian's results after 4 week programme! Brian is known in the gym for his weights but not so much cardio so I incorporated a quick HIIT workout into his regime to get the blood pumping and boost body fat burn! This progress was achieved with no change to his diet! A small change to your workout (which may be outside your comfort zone) can make a big difference to your physique as well as confidence in yourself! For more information, message the page or contact me on 085 721 7744!
Check out Caroline's amazing progress after just 4 weeks of incorporating my workouts into her weekly routines and being conscious of her food choices without having to count calories or cut out foods. Since completing the 4 weeks, Caroline has incorporated light weights into the programme and is also walking 7km twice a week! So how did she achieve these results? I provided her with an exercise plan which required no equipment so can be done at home, and only takes 20 minutes of your day! Message the page if you're interested and keep an eye out for a competition coming soon!
Check out the link for your chance to run Dublin City Marathon and change your life!! 🏃🏆
Fitnut Nutrition & Fitness please like my new page where I have teamed up with Evan Lynch to offer a fitness and nutrition programme to reach your goals and beyond!
Delighted to be teaming up with E Lynch Nutrition & Health to form Fitnut, combining our passions to form a dynamic duo! Keep your eyes peeled for exciting news!