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facebook.comThere's always something in the pipelines here in Monaghan Libraries. Are you creative or inquisitive? Like to know how things work? How would you fancy being an Inventor? We have an exciting new 'Makers' project coming soon which is aimed at young people aged 16-24. If you are interested in getting involved contact, or call in to one of the information sessions which are happening on 11th, 12th & 13th Dec. This is a unique opportunity for any young person. Limited Capacity. Be sure to tag a friend you think may be interested! Keep up to date on the project with Monaghan Makers Facebook Page.
All welcome to Clones Library tonight at 7pm for this interesting talk.
Call of the Forest: The Forgotten Wisdom of the Trees Courthouse Clones tonight Sunday 19th November @ 7pm And we delighted to announce our panel for tonight's discussion are: 1. Andrew St. Ledger is an artist, wood sculptor, furniture maker and activist. He co-founded ‘The Woodland League’, a not for profit, NGO, dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands. He is currently restoring a native forest as part of "The Great Forest of Aughty" native forest restoration plan. He supports The Woodland League’s "Forest in a Box; Native Trees for National Schools Project” which answers the "Call of the Forest" film's main message; For global grass roots native forest restoration. 2. Billy Flynn is an ecologist with Flynn, Furney Environmental Consultants and specialises in terrestrial ecology. He has worked as an environmental consultant on a wide range of projects including motorways, wind-farms and flood defences. He is a director of the Irish Wildlife Trust and a member of the Institute of Biology and the Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland and the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management. 3. Polly Lyons is qualified in Forestry and Environmental Management. She has 20 years experience working in forestry across Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Southern Africa and today teaches a full time practical skills course in how to grow and manage healthy trees in a sustainable forest management system at Ballyhaise Agriculture College in Co. Cavan. 4. Marcus McCabe is trained in agricultural science and co-founder of The Ark Nursery in Co. Monaghan. He is a promoter of the permaculture systems and runs a local business that designs and plants Wetland Reed-beds that operate as passive biological waste-water treatment management system. He is a campaigner for the protection of biodiversity and the traditional local living skills and systems that are at risk of being lost in the changing modern world. 5. Mary Mc Mullin teaches Physical Education, Agricultural Horticulture and Active Leisure Studies at Bailieborough Community Secondary School. She has pioneered many nature educational programmes which has inspired countless students and many other teachers to take note and incorporate the natural world into their school learning & everyday lives. Mary is an advocate for giving school students more opportunities to engage with the natural environment as she knows students will only protect that which they care about and care only for that which they experience.
Clones Library are hosting a very interesting talk tomorrow night at 7pm about the 70/40 plan and developing your ageing plan. Admission is free. All welcome.
FREE Family Fun Day for all the Family Don't forget the FREE Family Fun Day in Monaghan Institute, Armagh Rd, Monaghan today Saturday 18th November 12-5pm. Hands on activities, workshops, shows, making and building, demos, prepared to still all day!!! No need to book for these. Just come along, learn and have fun. Find out more at…/202-family-fun…
Lots of fun learning about Electricity conduction with Junior Einstein's
Sensational Kids workshop Monaghan Library Wednesday November 15th at 4pm For children aged 7+ The Rediscovery Centre in Dublin will be in Monaghan Library to facilitate a Sensational Space workshop covering the topic of space, investigating the universe, origins of the solar system, the planets and moons of our solar system and looking at space exploration. The workshop features a range of hands-on activities around the space theme, including investigating meteor impacts and making rockets. Places Limited, Contact Monaghan Library at 81830 or email to book First come, first served
Science Festival 2017 It's here...our Science Festival 2017 has commenced...and what a two week programme we have put together for you all to explore, learn and enjoy! The schools programme will see over 3000 young peoople from preschool to secondary school, attending workshops, demonstrations, shows in County Monaghan alone from Monday 13th - Friday 17th. Here are some of the events taking place across County Monaghan...admission is FREE, but you have to book to your place at or call into your local library in Monaghan to book a place or text 0863491310