Clones Branch Library is a purpose built Library which was opened in May 2008. The public library is located on the ground floor of the building and is an open plan area consisting of an adult, teenage and children’s section, with a dedicated exhibition space and a separate activities/outreach room. The Local History Collection for the County is also located in Clones Branch Library.
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facebook.comThe Patrick Kavanagh Centre & Monaghan County Council present a graveside tribute to poet and writer Patrick Kavanagh featuring a number of well known poets and writers from across county Monaghan and beyond. Patrick Kavanagh was born in County Monaghan in 1904. He died on 30th November 1967, and is buried at the former St. Mary’s Church, Inniskeen, now home to the Patrick Kavanagh Resource Centre. To mark the 50th anniversary of his death, at noon on Thursday November 30th, a cast of Ireland’s finest living writers and poets will gather at his graveside to deliver a spine-tingling recital of Kavanagh’s best-loved works. Please join us for this very special tribute at 12pm, which can be accessed live via the link below The tribute will conclude with Ben Reel performing Raglan Road followed by remarks from Minister for Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht Heather Humphreys T.D. and Fiona Jane Hyslop, Cabinet secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs in the Scottish Government
Irish Book Awards 2017 - The Irish Book Awards took place last night. This year’s awards ceremony was presented by Keelin Shanley and Evelyn O’ Rourke, with each winning author interviewed by RTÉ’s Evelyn O’ Rourke in the Bord Gáis Energy Green Room. These interviews, along with highlights from the awards ceremony, will be broadcast on RTÉ One during the primetime slot of 9:35pm on Wednesday, 29th November 2017.
Just arrived in the Library - tap on the picture to find out more!
Science of Cancer talk tonight Wednesday 22nd at 7pm in the Peacelink
Call of the Forest: The Forgotten Wisdom of the Trees Courthouse Clones tonight Sunday 19th November @ 7pm And we delighted to announce our panel for tonight's discussion are: 1. Andrew St. Ledger is an artist, wood sculptor, furniture maker and activist. He co-founded ‘The Woodland League’, a not for profit, NGO, dedicated to restoring the relationship between people and their native woodlands. He is currently restoring a native forest as part of "The Great Forest of Aughty" native forest restoration plan. He supports The Woodland League’s "Forest in a Box; Native Trees for National Schools Project” which answers the "Call of the Forest" film's main message; For global grass roots native forest restoration. 2. Billy Flynn is an ecologist with Flynn, Furney Environmental Consultants and specialises in terrestrial ecology. He has worked as an environmental consultant on a wide range of projects including motorways, wind-farms and flood defences. He is a director of the Irish Wildlife Trust and a member of the Institute of Biology and the Environmental Sciences Association of Ireland and the Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management. 3. Polly Lyons is qualified in Forestry and Environmental Management. She has 20 years experience working in forestry across Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Southern Africa and today teaches a full time practical skills course in how to grow and manage healthy trees in a sustainable forest management system at Ballyhaise Agriculture College in Co. Cavan. 4. Marcus McCabe is trained in agricultural science and co-founder of The Ark Nursery in Co. Monaghan. He is a promoter of the permaculture systems and runs a local business that designs and plants Wetland Reed-beds that operate as passive biological waste-water treatment management system. He is a campaigner for the protection of biodiversity and the traditional local living skills and systems that are at risk of being lost in the changing modern world. 5. Mary Mc Mullin teaches Physical Education, Agricultural Horticulture and Active Leisure Studies at Bailieborough Community Secondary School. She has pioneered many nature educational programmes which has inspired countless students and many other teachers to take note and incorporate the natural world into their school learning & everyday lives. Mary is an advocate for giving school students more opportunities to engage with the natural environment as she knows students will only protect that which they care about and care only for that which they experience.
FREE Family Fun Day for all the Family Don't forget the FREE Family Fun Day in Monaghan Institute, Armagh Rd, Monaghan today Saturday 18th November 12-5pm. Hands on activities, workshops, shows, making and building, demos, prepared to still all day!!! No need to book for these. Just come along, learn and have fun. Find out more at…/202-family-fun…
Thanks to everyone who joined us in the library this week to celebrate Cavan Monaghan Science Festival. Don't forget there is a wonderful range of Free activities at the Family Fun Day in Monaghan Institute tomorrow - no booking necessary.
Please note: Due to an issue with the phone lines there is no computer access available in the library this morning. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Science of Cancer - URGENT NOTICE Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Science of Cancer event scheduled for tonight Thursday 16th at 7pm has been cancelled and rescheduled to take place: Wednesday 22nd November 2017 @ 7pm The Peace Link, Clones Apologies for any inconvenience.
Science of Good Skincare Wednesday 15th at 7pm Clones Library Free to attend but booking is essential To book contact Clones Library at 74712 or go to We will explore the science of your skin followed by analysis of skin types and a practical guide to caring for the skin on a daily basis. This class covers the structure and function of each layer of the skin. This will be followed by a detailed description of the characteristics of the different skin types- Dry, Sensitive, Mature, Normal and Oily/Acne prone. * skincare products will be provided. ** students are asked to bring: a hand towel, a small bowl, a free standing table top mirror, a hairband.