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Clane's Other News

Main Street, Clane, Ireland
Community Organization



Our aim is to provide a satirical and selective information service for the local people of Clane. The admins of Clane's Other Voice reserve the right to block any user who is deemed to be annoying , not funny or just not sound. Derogatory type name calling and threatening tones are also not acceptable. Please use sarcasm and wit.
If you find you are subjected to this type of behavior by another user, please pm us and we will review the comments to check for levels of hilarity, please try to include a screen shot.
Posts on our page are posts requested by, and sent in to us by, users of our page to promote business, have the craic, give news, highlight problems that are being experienced by members of the community, look for gossip, to report road accidents, ridicule, traffic delays, basically events that may effect or be of interest to the people of our community and have a moan. If we see a need to block someone for a period of time we may lift that block at a time in the future , just like a time-out for toddlers. If that person persists again in their un-sound behaviour we have a right to block that person permanently or take the piss out of them.
The admin team of this page are working voluntarily, and working off a rota that suits everybody. We will only tolerate them being called legends etc. If you don't like our page and its content, then do us all a favour and unlike the page. Nobody is forcing you to be here.


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Parish priest has confirmed there actaully is a special place reserved in hell, for those that hit the crossing button at the traffic lights and cross before the lights turn red . #greatnews #welldonetoallinvolved

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In a recent local survey 97% of Clane residents want to be "as happy" , as our local homeless Black lad . However only 17% want to be "as mad , or less mad" than him .

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Scenes from Mainham today.... After repeated warnings from local residents , Silly Billy Bunter, has scared his last ! Clane Gardai have also reiterated that if you run one over , please ensure you reverse so as not to waste Ambulance drivers time.

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Photos from Clane's Other News's post

International Piping Day Hi all anyone looking for directions here you go. Left at the petrol station in prosperous and 300 yards up the road on the right.there will be some one at the gate in reflective gear opposite entrance to gaa to direct you in. Please follow this link for further directions to Downings House Prosperous

Photos from Clane's Other News's post

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Vouchers now available from local Road Work Crew to fuck up that special someone's day !

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Pm in! Looking for a maid/cleaner (preferably french) , a plumber with a big tool and a pizza delivery driver for small independent artistic film . All recommendations welcome ! Thanks in advance

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Pm in... And we thought we had problems with the new road markings.... " Clain Shopping Center"

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It's just super duper exciting thinking about how many ways, road works, will fuck our morning right up ! #sleeptightclane #biketowork

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Breaking !!! Residents of Abbey Court , Liffey Lawns and Butterstream are being held "captive" by parents from the schools. Supervalu will be collecting dry non perishable goods to create an aid package for them . #lightacandle #peacefulpassage #estateembargo

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Sad news this evening folks... Despite major resurfacing works we have been informed that 78% of drivers are still driving like absolute shite. #yellowbox #fuckoffaroundtheringroad

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Love Hate to begin filming in Clane . Recent reports of unlicensed firearms , rogue vans and the recent capture of "Daisy the Don" have prompted Love Hate to seek out the gangland capital of Kildare . #welldonetoallinvolved

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Our local Tidy Town group are always searching for people from the village to give them a hand . In a controversial mix up yesterday , The Village People showed up to lend a hand . #AWKWARD #welldonetoallinvolved

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