Clane Athletic club Fit4Life Adult running club
Clane AC Fit4Life Adult running club is for all fitness levels. Enjoy the hobby of jogging & running. Get fit, have fun, make progress and new friends too! Do you want to go out and jog a few miles? Are you seeking some advice, a little guidance and a gentle push to get you started? Maybe you just want some company and a bit of banter as you run? Whatever your reasons, Clane Athletic club Fit4Life Adult running club is here to help you.
We have various meeting points and running routes around Clane, catering for all fitness levels and running goals from complete beginners right up to elite runners.
Contact the page directly or ring the phone numbers on our adverts for further information.
Tell your friends
facebook.comSupport GOAL Mile Clane this St Stephens day on your own doorstep in Clane .Make a donation and then walk, jog or run a mile with your local community. Timed race and gun start at 11am for competitive runners. GOAL @ Manzors Car park from 10am - 1pm
When: From 9th Jan, Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings at 8pm, Where: Leaving from the Westgrove Hotel carpark. Cost: €60 (includes annual A.A.I club membership*, club Hi-Vis jacket, weekly training plans and 7 weeks of dedicated leader led training) We hope to have a registration evening in advance of the commencement date - Date & location to be decided. We will post an update on this closer to the time. *Membership runs from 1st Jan - 31st Dec, regardless of what date in the year you join - this is in line with Athletic Association of Ireland rules. Once the Couch to 5km programme has been completed, members are encouraged to join in and run with the 5km+ Meet'n'Run groups for the rest of the year, at no extra charge. Please contact us here on Facebook if you have any questions, and one of our team will get back to you as soon as they can.
Sarah Swaine Memorial Run - 5km Run/Walk & 10km race in Kilcullen on 7th January 2018 at 1pm - In memory of Sarah Swaine, raising money for CanTeen Ireland #Sarah Swaine Memorial Run/walk
Congratulations to our Clane Athletic Club ladies who ran the half marathon at The Gingerbread Run-10km & 1/2 Marathon yesterday. Love the hats!!! The GINGERBREAD RUN 2017
Great initiative 👍🏻
Well done on your half marathon Mark!! You look so happy!!! Nice bling! Who would have thought we would see a Clane Athletic club Fit4Life Adult running club T-Shirt at the Las Vegas Rock And Roll Half Marathon Finish Line??!!! Brilliant!!! #runrocknroll Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series
Clane Athletic Club AGM takes place on Tuesday 28th November at 8pm, upstairs in Manzors pub, Clane. ALL MEMBERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.
Clane 10k and 5k Family Fun Run in aid of Acquired Brain Injury Ireland. Fantastic morning with ideal weather conditions. Thanks to Jack Fadden and KO construction and Clane GAA for a brilliantly organised event. We had a great turn out from Clane Athletic club Fit4Life Adult running club to support this locally run event. Photos courtesy of Pop Up Races and club members.
Registration is now CLOSED!
Only *two* more days to sign up for the Clane 10K and 5K Family Fun Run event taking place on Saturday in Clane. Walk, jog or run 5km or 10km with your local community. A great day out supporting Acquired Brain Injury Ireland.