" A journey a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao Tzu My curious nature is what first directed me to this path over 40 years ago. I wanted to reveal, discover and share the mysteries of the world we live in.
I do this through readings, reki/integrated energy, dream interpretation, meditation, crystals etc.
You can contact me on 0494326570 or 086 164 1638
Love and Light,
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Learn Astrology A eight week course every Tuesday Night from 22/Aug at 8pm to 9pm level 1 Astrology Learn the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the Planets connected to a sign and a understanding of how to read your own birth chart. Cost €15 each week If you are interested please contact Dreamcatchers, Cavan Town (086 1641638 or 049 4326570
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Reiki Seichem level 1\11\111 Sunday 16\July at 10.30am Seichem passes down fire energy with grounding qualities of earth (Reiki) enabling you to burn through and transform blockages and resistances in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. You will also be exploring how to complement your Seichem practice by working with crystals, angels and psychic surgery. This is a Two day course and it is open to people who have completed Reiki Level two and upwards. On completion you will also be entitled to attend our free monthly Reiki Circle where you can meet and practice with people of all levels of Reiki. This course costs €400, if you are interested please contact Dreamcatchers, Cavan Town (086 1641638 or 049 4326570)
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2017 - Meditation Every Thursday At 8.30pm Dreamcatchers Angel Shop Cost €3 phone 0861641638
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Our monthly Reiki circle will be Wednesday night 07\June at 8.00pm in Dreamcatchers Mairead Murray Cavan Town. This is a free evening however only certified Reiki holders can attend. We will be seeking to create a healing space were we can discuss and practice our theories and techniques . looking forward to seeing everyone ther. If you would like to learn how Reiki works phone Dreamcatchers 0861641638
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Our Reiki level Two course Sunday 12\November 2017 at 10.30am Is for people who have already completed Reiki Level one and want to continue their journey through Reiki. This workshop will awaken in the ability to heal other people. You will learn the sacred Reiki symbols and how to merge them to empower the healing process, also enabling you to continuously connect with other people to distant healing. Our Level Two Course consists of 1 day + attending our free monthly Reiki Circle at least twice, here you can meet and practice with people of all levels of Reiki. Our level Two Course costs €200, If you are interested please contact Mairead at Dreamcatchers, Cavan Town (086 1641638 or 049 4326570
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Our monthly Reiki circle will be Wednesday night 07\June at 8.00pm in Dreamcatchers Mairead Murray Cavan Town. This is a free evening however only certified Reiki holders can attend. We will be seeking to create a healing space were we can discuss and practice our theories and techniques . looking forward to seeing everyone ther. If you would like to learn how Reiki works phone Dreamcatchers 0861641638
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Our Reiki Mastership\ Teacher Course Sunday 02\JULY\2017 Is for people who already completed Reiki Level One and Level Two. This course will enable you to integrate your Level One and Level Two knowledge. It will awaken within you, your awareness of life that cannot be experienced by our senses. You will receive and learn how to use the Master symbol, which will help you to consciously connect us to the Universal Energy. Once you have attained the Master symbol you will also be qualified to start teaching and spreading the Reiki way of life. You will be coached on how to connect with your clients and given some practical advice on how to set up a business. You will also be entitled to attend our free monthly Reiki Circle where you can meet and practice with people of all levels of Reiki. This course costs €300 if you have Reiki Seichem 111 levels if not cost will be €400 interested please contact Dreamcatchers, Cavan Town (086 1641638 or 049 4326570)
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Our monthly Reiki circle will be Wednesday night 07\June at 8.00pm in Dreamcatchers Mairead Murray Cavan Town. This is a free evening however only certified Reiki holders can attend. We will be seeking to create a healing space were we can discuss and practice our theories and techniques . looking forward to seeing everyone ther. If you would like to learn how Reiki works phone Dreamcatchers 0861641638
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2017 - Meditation Every Thursday At 8.30pm Dreamcatchers Angel Shop Cost €3 phone 0861641638
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Our monthly Reiki circle will be Wednesday night 07\June at 8.00pm in Dreamcatchers Mairead Murray Cavan Town. This is a free evening however only certified Reiki holders can attend. We will be seeking to create a healing space were we can discuss and practice our theories and techniques . looking forward to seeing everyone ther. If you would like to learn how Reiki works phone Dreamcatchers 0861641638
Learn Reiki Sunday 20\Aug\2017 at 10.30am Our Reiki Level One course is for people interested in exploring their understanding and use of Reiki. Reiki is an alternative healing therapy, sometimes described as enabling the body's ability to heal itself. At level One you will explore how to use Reiki to heal yourself and your environment to create a happier and more peaceful life. Level one consists of two parts 8 hour workshop on the Sunday the 2o\Aug\2017 The second part is made up by attending our free monthly circle at least twice, here you can meet and practice with people of all levels of Reiki. The course costs €100 and if you are interested please contact Dreamcatchers, Cavan Town (086 1641638 or 049 4326570
Our monthly Reiki circle will be Wednesday night 07\June at 8.00pm in Dreamcatchers Mairead Murray Cavan Town. This is a free evening however only certified Reiki holders can attend. We will be seeking to create a healing space were we can discuss and practice our theories and techniques . looking forward to seeing everyone ther. If you would like to learn how Reiki works phone Dreamcatchers 0861641638