Team Allure
We are Team Allure for F1 in schools for St Patrick's and Presentation Castleisland. We will have competitions soon so please like and share!
-Team Allure
Tell your friends
facebook.com go vote go us! 'Snake' in the southern region! You can vote once a day until friday! Thanks 😛
Please go vote for us over on BOI students face book page
Unfortunately, we have heard the news that the Irish Computer Society have stopped running the F1 in Schools Competition. We would like to thanks all of our likers and everyone who has supported us in the last few weeks. All sponsorship which we have received will be returned in the next few days. -Team Allure
Hickeys Tool Hire Barrack St. Also supported us. Thank you and we appreciate your support! 👌🏼
Another excellent sponsor of ours is Oliver Daly Architects! Thanks for supporting us! 👍🏼
Lynch's Pharmacy
All of us here at Team Allure would like to thank Lynch's Pharmacy for sponsoring us! 👍🏼
Diamonds Forever
We'd like to thank Diamonds Forever for sponsoring us for F1 in Schools! Remember to 'like' and share our page for upcoming competitions!👍🏼
Timeline Photos
Quote of the week !
Competition coming very soon! Keep liking and sharing and we will begin introducing the team over the next few days! - team allure
Keep liking and sharing and inviting all your friends! When we reach 250 likes we'll introduce the team and we will run a competition! 😛🎄
Team Allure's cover photo
Team Allure