Tullynagrow Topaz
Tullynagrow Topaz in Castleblayney offers the best service at the best prices! €1000 giveaway every month for Tullynagrow customers!
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facebook.comHi Folks All opened as normal ( 02/03/18 ), and free hot soup there waiting for you
Hi folks Closing up at 8pm tonight (Thursday 1-3-18) due to the snow. Any emergencies text me through this and we’ll try to sort you out. Thanks!!
Want to learn more about #miles fuel check out this infographic 😎 #milesmania #lovemiles #infographic
Piping hot free soup ready for everyone
Stay safe everyone
Job opportunity’s at Tullynagrow Topaz, Would you be interested in joining our team, We are looking for Full time & Part time till operators/ forecourt attendances Please PM us if your interested
Congratulations to Alan Faloon from Keady the winner of the €1000 in our monthly draw, remember if your not in you can’t win
Congratulations to Nicole Quigley from Armagh on winning the Christmas hamper in last week’s draw. Weekly draw with loads more prizes up to Christmas, don’t forget to put your name on the draw sheet each time your in
Don’t forget to fill in the draw sheet each time your in
This week’s prices , don’t forget to fill in the draw sheet to be in our bumper Christmas draw Good luck to all
