Skinny Coffee Ireland
Skinny Coffee Ireland - helping you to achieve your healthy lifestyle goals. Skinny Coffee Ireland is the leading provider of weight loss coffee in Ireland.
This coffee is made of natural ingredients and is designed to aid weight loss.
Our Skinny Coffee does the following:
*Controls appetite
*Regulates sugar absorption
*Regulates fat absorption
*Promotes healthy energy
*Promotes brain health and focus
*Elevates mood
One Cup Per Day, Drink and Shrink :)
Here is the list of ingredients and their benefits
What ingredients are in the Skinny Coffee?
Garcinia Cambogia
An incredibly efficient fat burning ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia has received much media attention for it’s effect on weight loss and food consumption control. This pure ingredient is 100% natural
This amino acid and mineral’s main function is to help insulin carry sugar into muscle cells where it is stored as energy. It is an effective fat burner and stops your body from storing more fat. Carnitine is also known for suppressing the appetite and fighting fatigue.
This ingredient combines with an enzyme in the body called alpha-amylase – which is involved in the digestion of starch – and helps to temporarily block its activities.
Konjak Extract
Konjak is a rich source of soluble fibre and is considered to be of general benefit to the digestive system while containing almost no calories.
This multi-flavonoid compound helps in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and in the reduction of high blood pressure. Cassiolamine helps to maintain healthy blood vessels by reducing the adhesion (stickiness) of blood platelets, which promotes healthy blood flow.
Green Tea 100:1 Extract
Green tea contains 2% to 4% caffeine, which affects thinking and alertness, increases urine output, and may improve the function of brain messengers. Chlorogenic Acid This is the main active ingredient in Green Coffee Bean, it is a powerful thermogenic fat burner. It holds promise in many aspects of health and cognition similar to bioflavonoids and shares some effects similar to caffeine, but less potent.
Arabica Coffee
It is also known as the "coffee shrub of Arabia", "mountain coffee" or "Arabica coffee". Arabica coffee is believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated. High-quality Arabica is beautifully fragrant, sweet and round, with a slight and pleasant acidity, with just a mild hint of bitterness.
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Who doesn't want flat abs???
Yum :D
Trick or Treat? 🤔🤔
Preparation is key to maintaining your weight! This video is packed with delicious healthy ideas to help you to stay is shape xx
Some more healthy tasty ideas to help you to stay on track :D
Says every serious coffee drinker! 😂