ZumbAtomic is a dance-fitness program designed exclusively for kids. The program is designed for kids and pre-teens ages 4-12. ZumbAtomic is a dance-fitness program designed exclusively for kids. Kids get fit, rock out and have a blast.
What is ZumbAtomic?
ZumbAtomic is a dance-fitness program designed exclusively for kids. The program is designed for kids and pre-teens ages 4-12. A typical class can include this entire age group OR be broken down into two smaller groups. Kids will learn cool dance steps and routines while listening to kid friendly songs.
Exercise in disguise
ZumbAtomic® is more than exercise. Our goal of is to develop a healthy lifestyle, to incorporate,fitnessas a natural part of children’s lives, While exercise is indeed a very important element of childhood development, ZumbAtomic® also considers the whole child. Developing a healthy lifestyle, therefore, includes learning the following: Leadership, Respect, Team work, Pride, Confidence, Responsibility, Coordination, Balance, Discipline, Memory, Creativity and more.
How is ZumbAtomic different than Zumba?
ZumbAtomic recognizes that kids learn differently than adults. They don’t understand just yet the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle and their attention is much shorter than adults. Because of this, the ZumbAtomic formula breaks down steps for its younger audience. Unlike much of basic Zumba, there is plenty of verbal talking to walk them through the steps. And of course, one of the biggest differences is that the moves are modified to be “kid friendly”. Challenging moves are simplified so that kids can “get it” and feel a sense of accomplishment. Smaller kids can also learn direction such as left versus right, etc. And lastly, ZumbAtomic incorporates games.
How long is a typical ZumbAtomic class?
Because this is a kids program, ZumbAtomic is typically taught anywhere from 30-45 minutes. An hour generally is too long to keep a child’s attention.
Can I have ZumbAtomic at my special event?
Of course, ZumbAtomic is a great addition to any birthday party or children’s’ event. It keeps them entertained, moving and having fun!!
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Приглашаем принять участие в благотворительном семейном марафоне Zumba® Kids, который проводится в пользу подопечных Елизаветинского детского хосписа. Задача хосписа не только продлить жизнь маленького человека, но и сделать его счастливым в последние дни, недели, месяцы, а возможно, и годы его жизни. Zumba® Kids – благотворительный марафон для всей семьи, приглашаем детей и их родителей. Мероприятие пройдет 21 ноября в центре «Открытый мир» по адресу м.Тульская, Павловская, 18, начало в 17.00. Программа марафона: Мастер-классы по зумбе для детей, угощения, подарки, интерактивная фото-зона, выступления артистов, праздничные музыка и настроение! Все собранные средства будут направлены в Елизаветинский детский хоспис. Zumba® Kids поддерживают дружественные СМИ. Среди гостей ожидаются известные артисты и звезды телевидения с детьми. Не оставайтесь равнодушными! Давайте вместе сделаем жизнь детей немного лучше! Стоимость входа: 500 рублей взрослый, 400 рублей детский...
