After school care service, based in Bray School Project. Collecting from St. Fergals Junior/Senior NS. Drop offs from other schools welcome Bright Sparks is a child friendly, Fun, inclusive and multidenominational after school programme, that will be operates from Ballywaltrim Community Centre in Bray. The programme is fully supervised by qualified and experienced professionals who aim to provide a fun, supportive, inclusive and interactive experience for your children. We operate within HSE guidelines. We provide a varied time table of activities, including dance, music, art, craft, free play, relaxation time and written homework supervision.
Activities are designed to combine fun and learning, encouraging the development of fine and gross motor skills as well as important social skills.
€5 per hour per child, with a sibling discount of €4 per hour for every additional child from the same family. The programme is open from 1.30pm until 6pm from monday to Friday.
We will operate activity camps over the mid term breaks and holiday periods. We are members of early childhood ireland and are fully insured also.
you can contact us through this page and also through our contact page on our web site -
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facebook.comCupcake case decoration today 😊
More Easter cupcakes 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣
Our junior and senior infants had fun today making easter cupcakes 🐣
Yesterday we made some daffodil windmills..
Today we decorated cupcakes for St. Patrick’s Day, some very talented creations!
We also learnt how to make origami hearts ♥️
One of today’s activities - weaving baskets!
Lots of creative art work yesterday....
These cards are so well used I think we need new ones!!
Bright Sparks will operate as normal tomorrow. Please be advised that the school have asked parents not to drive into Ballymorris or the school grounds. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Just to give parents an idea of some of the camps happening over Easter in Bray...please check out the websites (Me and The Moon & Festina Lente for full info) Will post anymore I see over the coming weeks.
******Closure Update******* Met Eireann have now extended the red Weather alert until Friday at 12 noon. The Dept of Education has confirmed that all schools in Leinster will close on Thursday and Friday. The National Emergency Co-ordination group have advised people to remain indoors from 4pm tomorrow until 12 noon on Friday. Taking all of the above into account, we have no option but to remain closed for the remainder of the week. Thanking you for your co-operation The Bright Sparks Team.