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Bfit with Ruth Kavanagh

Euro Park, Baltinglass, Ireland
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Classes to suit all fitness levels.  Classes are varied with emphasis on HIIT, Resistance & Core Training in a fun, dynamic and motivated environment.   Set yourself a realistic personal goal...whether it be to increase your fitness level, lose weight/inches, improve your running technique or increase your energy levels. Join our energetic BFit circuit blast classes and we'll work on your goal together!

Classes are varied and focus on aerobic and resistance training in a fun, dynamic and motivated environment.

We cater for all fitness levels where each exercise can be modified or progressed to suit each individual.

To keep you motivated we will have a monthly fitness tests and optional body measure.



Hands up who agrees 🙌🙌🙌 When you realise the weight you’ve been doing your shoulder press with for a couple of weeks is starting to feel a bit light 💪 #result That’s your body adapting to regular training and your muscles growing stronger as a result ... Amazing feeling 😬 Keep up the amazing work Bfitters, acknowledge your progressions and improvements and let them motivate you to keep going - another super week under your belt ❤️

At long last 😬 so we’ve all survived a very long January with no less than 5 Monday’s 😳 Motivation levels have powered through January at Bfit 💪 Progressions are fantastic, energy levels are on fire and for those on a weight loss journey we’ve had some brilliant drop in pounds over the weeks 👏👏👏 If for some, that new year bouncing enthusiasm is dwindling slightly, do not fret!!! Personal motivation levels can vary and depends on lots of factors such as results you may/may not be seeing or the support of people around you. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed and wondering why you may be finding it difficult sometimes to find that motivation - take a step back and remind yourself of why you started and how great it’s going to feel when you reach that personal goal you’ve set and then take another step back and imagine the disappointment you will feel if you give up on that goal!!! Dig deep - Which feeling do you want to choose??? 2 Bfit classes to go this week Thurs 7.15pm & Fri 9.30am 💪 #youareworthit #thinkpositive #keepgoing

Going to give this a try today from the Operation Transformation menu!!! You should know me by now...anything with peanut 🥜 butter and I’m on it 😬😋

Starting young ... love it 😂😂😂

BFit Monday morning crew giving it 100% and buzzing now for the rest of the day 💪👏❤️ Super well done everyone!!!

As we move from January into February, it’s time to focus on those good habits and take note of how well you’re doing. Be realistic and know that we all have difficult days but be strong in believing that those new habits are for good and the old ones are in the past!!! You’ve had a super start to 2018 - let’s keep those motivation levels flying and we move into springtime 🌼 Classes Mon-Wed-Fri 9.30am, Thurs 7.15pm Baltinglass Badminton Hall All Fitness Levels catered for in a fun and motivated environment 💪

A nice one to follow on with from my earlier post!!! Take time to read and relate to it ❤️

Fitness Tests rolled out over the 4 classes this week and I have to say lots of the results are flippin amazing 💪💪💪 Some serious reps being pushed out and fantastic results on upper, lower, core and cardio tests! Those seeing these progressions are consistent with their exercise, showing that hard work will pay off! The result is that you’re getting fitter and stronger as the weeks and months go by. Your body is reaping the benefits of a healthier heart, digesting food at a more efficient rate, building lean muscle and making your bones stronger. When you’re exercising you automatically feel better about yourself and when you physically see results happening, like lifting heavier or fitting into those jeans you can be extra proud that you’ve earned it! Happy endorphins are buzzing and your mood is lifted naturally ❤️ Super motivation ... let’s keep it going everyone! Eat well, sleep well and keep moving over the weekend!!! Happy Friday 😬

Push yourself, get your heart rate up, blast fat, build muscle 💪, torch calories, sweat, fire 🔥 up your metabolism, move, get flexible, stretch, feel great ... Sound tempting 😬? Thurs 7.15pm Baltinglass Badminton Hall

When you ask kids to clean up after dinner... and everything is shoved into dishwasher and you end up with 2 wonky shrunken Bfit bottles 🤨🤨🤨 #deepbreaths

Super Wednesday session this morning 💪 Flames roaring from abs at the end...and that was after Legs, HIIT & Upper body! Nothing easy about it, everyone pushing themselves and making the most of that intense precious hour - you did it 👏👏👏 Fitness Tests flying along this week 😬 Well done everyone ❤️

Hhhmmmm Green Soup 😯 Tastes better than it looks...promise!!! It’s the spinach, courgette and celery giving it the green hue 😬 but mixed with carrots, onion and lots of garlic - makes it yummy, nutritious and super good for you 💪 #feedyourbodywell
