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Ballinamore Bridge Charity Motorbike Run

Ballinamore Bridge, Ballinasloe, Ireland
Community Organization



Annual Motorbike run and night in aid of local and national charities.  


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Thanks to everyone who supported us for the ladies night, bike run and the cheque presentation night last Saturday. Thanks to all involved in organising and running the events, great fun was had! What a fantastic sum of money raised for 3 great charities. Till next year! Thanks everyone!

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Photos from Ballinamore Bridge Charity Motorbike Run's post

This Saturday night there will be a cheque presentation of €5,700 and it's all thanks to community spirit and team work😎💪A massive congratulations to all involved in the organising of both the Ladies night and the Bike Run👌👏 Music on the Saturday night will be provided by the Live wires!🎵🎤 Great night guarnanteed!! All welcome🍻 All monies raised was in Irish Kidney Association, Pieta House, Preventing Suicide and Self Harm, Children's Hospital Crumlin Dublin, In Memory of Fiadh Hannon

Photos from Ballinamore Bridge Charity Motorbike Run's post

Our good friends at supporters from West MCC are having their charity poker run this Saturday August 27th. See below for details: West MCC As part of our fundraiser this Saturday we are having our usual Poker Run. Leaving Brehon Park at 6.30 via Williamstown, Creggs, Ballygar, Caltra, Menlough, Barnaderg, and Kilkerrin. Barbecue and music after. All welcome Sean

Michelle Hughes-Walsh Photography

Michelle Hughes-Walsh Photography

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Another great charity run to support. Steel Cruisers running Motorcycle Poker Run in aid of a club members good friend who is seriously ill and undergoing expensive medical treatment. 4pm-5pm sign in. Registration €15 Run starts @ 5pm Sharp. Route is; Claremorris Square =1st Card Ballyhaunis Knock Kiltimagh Balla = 2nd Card Castlebar Ballinrobe Cong = 3rd Card Up past McGrath Quarry & next right. Ballinrobe = 4th Card Claremorris = 5th Card 85.2 Miles It's NOT a Race so Bike Safe. BBQ @ Rear of Warde's Bar for all that attend the Poker Run.

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Thanks so much to everyone for your support for this year's event. We had a great run and a great night. Thanks to everyone who made it happen. To the organisers, people who helped out on the run up and on the day, to the generous people who donated spot prizes, those who prepared and served food, Dakota for music, Hughes Bar for everything they do and especially everyone who joined us on the day. More than 50 bikers and all that joined us that night. We will be back on soon with the totals raised and plenty of photos!

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Cracker of a day! What better way to spend the evening. Head for Ballinamore Bridge. Great run for a great cause.

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Everything ready for run tomorrow!! All welcome to the run and the celebration after. Weather looking good so will be a great run. Plenty of prizes for riders including a helmet. And as always a great night out in Ballinamore with a monster raffle and music by Dakota. All proceeds to charity.

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Only 4 days to go! And the weather is looking promising. Reminder: All proceeds go to Pieta House, Irish Kidney Association and In Memory of Fiadh. Spot prize list for riders is getting longer, Helmet, voucher for bike shops, hoodies! Refreshments for all the bikers at Hughes with the prize giving after the run. Even can take your chances in the Sparkplug Challenge! Great night lining up then with music by Dakota, and list of fantastic prizes for the raffle. Please come out to support a great cause on what will be a great run/night.

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Biker Gear Ireland - Clothing, Helmets, Gloves Pants and Biker Jackets buy online ireland

Reminder Sharp Helmet for winner of the poker run. Also excellent spot prizes for participants including hoodies and a €50 voucher for

Motorcycle route: Ballinamore Bridge Charity Motorcycle Run 2016

This year's route:

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Less than 2 weeks to go! Win a helmet!!! For all the riders that join the run there is a fantastic prize!! Helmet for the winner of the poker run. We will also have a number of spot prizes for the run participants that will be presented in Hughes after the run. More details to follow during the on the run up!!

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NEAR Ballinamore Bridge Charity Motorbike Run