The garden a joint effort between GIY and Karen (Burmese) Community in Ballina, Co, Mayo. Located inside St Muredach's College gates to left. Volunteers meet for two hours twice a week from 6 to 8pm on Tuesday evening and from 11am to 1pm on Friday morning. We have about 16 regular volunteers of all ages, both men and women. People can come as often as they like or just pay the occasional visit. We grow a huge range of herbs, vegetables and fruit, all the common ones and such things as grapes, peaches, yakkon, oca, artichokes. We are as organic as possible using our own compost and we make our own liquid fertiliser. We always try and use best practice in the interest of the environment.
This year we are installing two beehives and training people in beekeeping. We grow a huge range of flowers.
Entry to the garden is by the college gate and turn left before the main door. There is ample parking.
In 2014 we were placed 1st in the Tidy Towns Competition under Sustainable Development and won €1,000.
It is also a great social occasion as the last half hour is spent having tea, pizza, cake or whatever. We have our own cooking facilities including a hob oven and many of our members are excellent cooks.
We are always on the lookout for new volunteers. No experience necessary.
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Just got our application in for the #GetIrelandGrowing fund so we can hopefully advance our new initiatives in the garden this year. Fingers crossed and thanks to Energia and GIY for such an awesome grant scheme.
The depths of winter....
And still some green!
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We will still be meeting over the winter months. Lots of exciting plans for next year to be made. New volunteers welcome.
Meeting times have changed for the winter months. Tuesday 4pm Friday 11am.
Our bee hives
A new successful addition this year
Winter is coming
But it doesn't mean the work in the garden stops
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We will have a stand this Saturday at the Newman Institute for the following event in Ballina BALLINA DOWN-TO-EARTH GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL WORKSHOPS SAT. 27 AUGUST (9.45 am-5.30) Facilitators: Noel Bradley & Ben Kimmerling WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE? A HOPEFUL RESPONSE (Cost € 25 conc. €20) (Tea & Coffee provided – please bring a packed lunch) SUN 28 AUGUST (2-6) Fr. Donal Dorr, Theologian & Author Outlines an action- based Down-to Earth Spirituality. Cost €15, conc. €10 For more information and to book for these workshops, please contact THE NEWMAN INSTIUTE BALLINA - 096 72066 or email
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Too early to start planning next years bee garden?
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Grow It Yourself Ballina's cover photo
Grow It Yourself Ballina's cover photo