Computer Eaze Design & Courses
Computer Eaze offers courses in IT Skills courses including Microsoft, Windows. Webpage and Logo designs. Call 087 7684898, we can help. Computer Eaze is two fold: The course side of things by day and the Webpage, Banner & Logo design by night.
By day I teach computer classes to various ages. My courses cover:
* Computer courses for the Terrified (absolute beginners)
* Computer Skills - for the more advanced
* Internet & Email Skills (including attachments)
* Photoshop
* Microsoft Exel, Access, Word, Powerpoint & Publisher
* Learn to Facebook (not that any of you need it on here )
* Network skills, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and of course Blogging.
My courses are in groups or private 1 to 1.
1 to 1 courses can be on above course list or learners can make their own list of what they would like to learn.
If you know anyone who is terrified of their computer and would like to tame it.... I have brilliant gift vouchers available as a 'surprise gift' or 'now you don't have an excuse gift'.
All my courses are taught in an EAZY way (hence Computer EAZE) .. no stress allowed and coffe (and sometimes even cake) included.
You're welcome to take a peek and if you need any information, just give me a shout.
Tell your friends
facebook.comIt's a match . Love Liams Cafe logo on milk bottles and fridge. Next job.... front door. 😀
Crafters United Ireland Magazine
Crafters United Ireland Magazine Issue 2 available now. HAPPY CRAFTING! 🎨
Timeline Photos
Well, by the look of it, I've fallen off the edge of the world :) But that's not true ... Just been so busy with our new venture which was launched on the 1st July.... Decided to do something about the fact that us crafters (yes, I'm a proud crafter ;) ).. well, there is (scratch that) WAS no magazine in Ireland that gave us the chance to showcase our talents. So with the support and help and loads of hours of blood, sweat and tears (translated fun, admiration and discovery), we now have our own Crafters United Ireland Magazine. Happy days and Happy crafting! #craft #CraftersUnitedIreland #magazine #ShareTheTalent
Photos from Computer Eaze Design & Courses's post
My two latest magazine designs for Atlantis Eire. ☺ Absolutely enjoy working with Aldo & Helen. 💚
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Android Phone in Under 5 Minutes
Hello people, I'm heading into my Mellow Room to do the final tidy up before I get my new workbench soon. I'm loving it 💚. . Just wanted to wish all of you a chillaxing weekend and don't forget to be good to yourself. But before I go, I wanted to share a little trick to make your mobile phone go faster. Mine freezes when I have too many photos or videos on it.... so here it goes. Works with most android phones. Good luck and speedy mobiling. LOL