Ballinamoney Childcare Facility
Qualified Staff - Garda Clearance. Breakfast Club, Preschool, Full Day Care, Half Day Care, Infants Club 2-3pm, After school and Out of Hours school care. BALLINAMONEY CHILDCARE PROJECT LTD
Ballinamoney Childcare Project Ltd is a community run service, which opened its doors on Monday 22nd October 2007. We are open 5 days a week and 48 weeks of the year, excluding Bank Holidays. We cater for children from 4 months to 13 years, with 95 children currently attending over the course of each week. It is run by a voluntary committee of 7 local parents, who bring their various life/work experiences to ensuring that the service is run well. We are notified to the HSE and have qualified staff in each room. 3 staff are currently studying FETAC (QQI) L5, 7 staff are studying FETAC (QQI) L6 and 1 staff member is studying a BA in Early Childhood Studies (Level 8), all on a part time basis. Staff are constantly renewing First Aid, Food Hygiene, Always Children First, Manual Handling and Fire Safety Training and so are very engaged in providing the best care for the children attending our service. We have added to and adjusted our service over the years to meet the needs of the community. The service offers the CCS, ECCE and TEC payment schemes to keep prices as low as possible for parents.
The service now includes:
• Breakfast Club ~ 8-9.10 am where children can have their breakfast & play games & then staff walk them over to school
• Pre School ~ we have a morning session from 9-12 pm and an afternoon session from 12.30-3.30 pm. We organise a curriculum of activities for the children to help them develop in all areas ~ for 2 – 3 year olds and 3 – 5 year olds
• Half day care ~ 8-1 pm, 9-2 pm or 1-5.30 pm for children aged 4 mths to 6 years
• Full day care ~ 8-5.30 pm for children aged 4 mths to 6 years
• Infants Club ~ 1.50 – 2.50 pm for children in Junior & Senior Infants ~ they are collected from school by a member of staff, come to the service, do homework and have a snack & have time to play or do activities. This helps parents who work part time or so that they do not have to collect twice a day from the school.
• After School ~ either 1.50 or 2.50 – 5.30 pm for school going children who are collected from school, do homework, have snack and time to play or do activities
• Out of Hours School Age Childcare ~ full day care for school age children during the school holidays
• Summer Camp ~ 12.30 pm – 3.30 pm during the month of July, where activities are organised for children aged 4 – 13 years
There are currently 13 members of staff and a part time grounds person
Children can have breakfast, snack, dinner & snack depending on what time they attend at. Food is prepared fresh on site. We offer a 4 weekly menu to make sure the children get a balanced diet, allowing for children who are weaning or just weaned. We cater for children’s special dietary needs and offer a gluten free, nut free, dairy free and egg free variety of the menu when needed. We have a healthy eating policy where the lunches the children bring in cannot include sweets, fizzy drinks or crisps. We have registered as a food business with the HSE and so have strict rules on the preparation, serving and storage of foods
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facebook.comThank you to all for your generous donations for Pyjama day. A great day's fun was had by all...
Having a fun filled morning so far, in our jammies.....
The children and staff of Ballinamoney Childcare are taking part in the Early Childhood Ireland National Pyjama Day on this Friday 3rd March 2017. To make this a fun day the children and staff will wear their pyjamas on Friday to raise funds for children with additional needs. We ask that all children would donate €2 to support this worthy cause. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated.
We would like to welcome Joanne Fitzgerald and Mary Pringle to the Ballinamoney Childcare team. Best wishes in your new jobs.
We are sad to announce that Gina O'Sullivan will be leaving us on Thursday 22nd December. Gina has been an invaluable member of staff here for the past 7 years. We wish Gina well in her new position.
We would like to congratulate the following staff on completing their QQI Level 6 Advanced Certificate in Early Childhood Care & Education: Breda Cassidy, Geraldine O’Reilly, Karen McKeown, Mary Clarke, Michelle Clarke. Congratulations also to Jacqui McCabe who completed her Level 6 studies while working here. Well done girls!!
Thank you to all our parents and families for their support to the staff in our rally outside Leinster House yesterday. It is much appreciated.
DON'T FORGET ~ bring your shoe box for the Shoe Box Appeal back into the crèche before Friday 4th November 2016 by 1.00 pm.
Happy Birthday to us. We were 9 years old on Saturday. We first opened our doors on Monday 27th October 2007 at 8.00 am. Thank you to all the families who have supported us through these years and to all the staff & committee members who have worked here during this time. We started in 2007 with: 1 baby 4 toddlers 24 preschool children (part time) 18 afterschool children 7 members of staff 5 committee members Preschool finished in St Mary's Hall Tierworker on Friday 24th October 2007 at 12pm. Staff, Committee members, their families and the Tierworker/Ballinamoney community moved equipment to the new service in cars & jeeps. The put together furniture, set out rooms, hung signs, notice boards, clocks, etc., over Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday only leaving the building to sleep. It was a great team effort. We were ready to open on Monday morning.... In 2016 we have: 5 babies 12 toddlers 24 preschool children (full time & part time) 33 afterschool children 16 members of staff 7 committee members Here is to at least the next 9....
1 full time place available in our Baby Room for babies 6 mths to 2 years, from mid November 2016 ~ 8.00 am - 5.30 pm (includes breakfast, snack, dinner & snack). Individual meals provided for while babies are weaning. Currently 2 part time places available in this room mornings either 8.00 am - 1.00 pm or 9.00 am to 2.00 pm 1 place left in this room for afternoons ~ 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm special at lower fees rate Queries to 042.967.5885. Viewing by appointment welcome.
We offer ECCE Scheme (free preschool year), CCS places (part government funded) and TEC places (for parents in education)
Places still available in our Pre PreSchool room for children aged 2-3 years. Full day care places available 8.00 am - 5.30 pm (includes breakfast, snack, dinner & snack). 8.00 am - 1.00 pm includes breakfast, snack & dinner 9.00 am - 2.00 pm includes snack & dinner 9.00 am - 12.00 pm includes snack 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm (special) includes snack available at lower rate Limited places available. Viewing by appointment 042.967.5885