We grow all types of quality Hedging,Shrubs and Ground Cover plants which are fully hardy.
We supply direct to you at unbeatable Prices. We are Established Growers,20 years experience.We grow for you,and supply all types of Shrubs,Hedging,Alpines and Trees at Wholesale Prices.Fully Hardy grown in Gort.
Email us at plantsdirect.ie@gmail.com or phone 0868013330 for a quote.
We also supply free advice for planning your Garden in a cost efficient way.
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facebook.comOct Looking Good List Fushia Mrs Popple only € 2.50 Sedum Autumn Glory only €2.50 Winter flowering Heathers only €2.99 Lots of Ground cover ,,,All €2.00 Ring 0868013330 for full list
We supply free Plant layout advice when you buy your plants from us.We will fill your Gardens for a fraction of the price of Garden Centers.Call us on 0868013330
Strawberry Plants for sale in Galway on DoneDeal
Strawberry Plants now only0.75 call 0868013330 -Padraic
Photos from happyplants.ie's post
Sept "Looking Good List" Lavender Plants only € 2 All Rockery Plants only €2 Strawberry Plants Just €0.95 Call now on 0868013330
We now have amazing Strawberry plants for €1, our Strawberries yielded massive crop this year. Ground cover Plants for only €2.50 in large pots,super for Rockery or covering large spaces. Call Padraic 0868013330
We are starting a "Looking Good " List every month starting July.