Feale Foot Clinic
Complete care for the foot and lower limb including routine chiropody and lower limb pain assessment and treatment. Feale Foot Clinic is a podiatry clinic offering a range of services and treatments to treat conditions of the lower limb and feet.
The podiatrist has extensive training in the foot and related structures and can treat a wide range of nail and skin pathologies as well as lower limb pain and discomfort. Specialist areas include:
• Routine chiropody
• Children’s podiatry
• Diabetic footcare
• Gait and posture analysis
• Sports and rehabilitation
• Minor surgeries
Feale Foot Clinic is committed to providing high-quality, evidence-based podiatric care and treatments in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Every client is treated individually and holistically to provide the best treatment plan to suit their needs.
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Diabetic Foot Screening
FREE DIABETIC FOOT SCREEN AND ASSESSMENT As part of National Diabetes Awareness month this November, Feale Foot Clinic is offering a Diabetic Foot Screen and Assessment completely free of charge. Click the link for more information
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Bit of "light reading" this morning to keep up-to-date with the latest research. This paper looked into the evidence behind a variety of musculoskeletal tests used to assess the foot and ankle. Main point to be taken from this piece of research is that there has been "no association shown between any of the foot and ankle measures identify and pain". Put simply - just because you have a particular foot shape (e.g. "flat feet" "high arches") does not necessary mean you will experience foot pain. Don't allow sales people or marketing campaigns convince you to buy sham insoles or fancy footwear. If you are concerned about your feet or are experiencing any pain and discomfort in the foot, lower limb or back it is best to speak to a health professional that specialises in this area and can offer the most appropriate treatment options for you. Here at Feale Foot Clinic we specialise in the foot and lower limb so if you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to get in touch 068 32188
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Little advertisement in the Weekly Observer this week to promote the website 😊 www.fealefootclinic.com
A WordPress Site – Just another WordPress site
It's official the Feale Foot Clinic Website is complete and ready to launch! To get a full list of services, specialist treatments and prices please head on over www.fealefootclinic.com
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Very special day today here at Feale Foot Clinic... CELEBRATING 1 YEAR IN BUSINESS! Thanks to all those who have supported the business and special thanks to the staff here in Cedarville Surgery for helping me every step of the way (pardon the pun). Watch this space in the coming weeks for my series on common foot conditions and foot health advice.
Feale Foot Clinic's cover photo
Photos from Feale Foot Clinic's post
Shiny new leaflet listing some common conditions and the specialist treatments available here at Feale Foot Clinic. Also includes some tips for looking after your feet. Any queries do not hesitate to contact by calling the clinic on 068 32188 or getting in touch here on Facebook.
On my way to Newcastle West to have a chat with Monica Sheehy on West Limerick 102fm about foot health and podiatry. Tune in just after 12pm
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Received a lovely letter from Fr Caseys GAA thanking Feale Foot Clinic for the contribution towards their fundraising. Of course I was more than happy to support the club and very excited to see the pitch re-development has already begun! If you are looking for something fun to do this weekend why not head to the Fr Caseys GAA family night at the dogs and support the field development fundraiser. Happy weekend everyone 🤗
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👣 Back to business as usual after a wonderful roadtrip around Ireland and the UK 🚗🛳 On a visit to Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium and museum I saw Wayne Rooneys aircast walker that he wore following a metatarsal injury in 2006. With just 6 weeks until England's World Cup opener against Paraguay the initial prognosis said he would definitely miss the group stages, if not the whole tournament. However Rooney defied the odds and featured in all but one of England's matches! The power of immobilisation and superb rehabilitation ⚽
Feale Foot Clinic will close for holidays August 1st and re-open Thursday August 11th. There are still a few appointments available for this week so if you would like to make an appointment please call the clinic on 068 32188