嚴選有機蔬果 Perfect Pick Organic Fruit
Perfect Pick provides organic certified Taiwan fruits/veggies to Hong Kong "嚴選"是香港唯一專門臺灣有機和安全水果的公司。我們除了要求安全,更追求自然美味的天然口感。
1. 農場直送,和臺灣的宅配只差一天。所有產品空運到港,保證新鮮
2. 完熟採收。完熟水果的風味和營養是最高的。我們堅決和最細心的運輸公司配合。一般出口商以"提早採收"和"添加防腐劑"的方式來減少水果運輸成本。這是不符合我們的理念的!
3. 超過40位臺灣有機農友一起合作。當季產品超過30項。臺灣有機水果選擇是全香港最豐富的!
4. 所有有機產品都有認證。資訊公開。消費者可以完全知道食物來源。保證安心!
5. 我們保證我們的有機水果絕對安全好吃,大小不一,其貌不揚!
"Perfect Pick" is the only company in Hong Kong focus only organic/safety certified Taiwan fresh fruits. We work with more than 40 farmers and offer over 30 different fresh products every week. Aside from organic and safety, we have the highest standard on the quality and taste.
What makes us different?
1. Most of products are harvest after fully ripened. Fruits' nutrients and flavor are the richest when fully ripened. We do not take short-cut by adding preservatives or early-harvesting to save on shipping . Everything shipped by air!
2. All organic certified product come with certificate and traceable ID. So you know where your foods exactly coming from.
3. All products are carefully packed by farmers and go directly from farm to your door. Our client purchase products for their freshness, safety, and flavor. Not for fancy packaging.
4. 100% client satisfaction guarantee. If the product is not taste good, money back guarantee.
5. However, you will be shocked by some of our really bad looking products. We guarantee our organic fruits are safe, great taste, uneven size and really ugly looking:-). Just another way to prove that no funky chemical added to our products
Order cut-off on Sunday, delivery next weekend.
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