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PTS Steel Shop

Room 1203-04, Wealth Commercial Centre, 48 Kwong Wa Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
Outdoor gear/sporting goods



旺角廣華街48號 廣發商業中心(廣華街郵局對面) 12樓1203-04室 TEL : 852- 2770 7872 PTS STEEL SHOP is a professional lifestyle shop that offers interactivity in shopping with a deep selection of upscale and excellent brand products. To facilitate demo and trial, all our top brand products are in open display. Customers can experience the functions and quality of our selected products while all our ingenious team members are readily available to give you first hand professional advice.

PTS Steel Shop以提供具生活品味及高質素產品為宗旨,為您提供一個自助及互動的購物平台。店舖採用開放式設計,讓您輕鬆自在揀選合適的配搭,更可隨意現場親身體驗店內所有精選產品,而我們細心的團隊亦隨時因應您的需要而提供專業意見,務求將第一身用家的意見帶給您。



Photos from PTS Steel Shop's post

「下星期到貨」等左有啲耐嘅MAGPUL CORE™手套將會係下星期初空降STEEL SHOP!由於數量十分有限,要買嘅朋友就早啲嚟帶佢返屋企啦!手快有,手慢冇! - 款式: 1. 戰術手套 2. 飛行手套 3. 巡邏手套 4. 爆破手套 5. 阻燃爆破手套 - 尺寸: 細 - 6.5"-7.5" (16.5-19cm) 中 - 7.5"-8.5" (19-21.5cm) 大 - 8.5"-9.5" (21.5-24cm) - {New product arriving next week} MAGPUL CORE™ Gloves will arrived at PTS STEEL SHOP next week! A limited number of first come first served! Come quite and bring it home! - Model: 1. TECHNICAL GLOVES 2. FLIGHT GLOVES 3. PATROL GLOVES 4. BREACH GLOVES 5. FR BREACH GLOVES - Size: SMALL 6.5"-7.5" (16.5-19cm) MEDIUM 7.5"-8.5" (19-21.5cm) LARGE 8.5"-9.5" (21.5-24cm)

Photos from PTS Steel Shop's post

Photos from PTS Steel Shop's post

反應熱列關係,PTS STEEL SHOP俾多次機會大家。上次未嚟買嘅朋友唔好走寶啦!真。最後機會!優惠完左就無咖啦! 1。)Smith Optics Boogie Regulator Goggle「180」 2。)ITW 5.56 FAST MAG 「180」 3。)ITW Pistol FAST MAG「170」 4。)Beta Project 槍架「480」 5。)Grey Ghost Gear 輕型突擊背包、隱形行動背包優惠價:KRYPTEK 花 「550」;PENCOTT 花「500」 6。)LBT多款PC 85折 7。)買滿300半價買MSM布章

Photos from PTS Steel Shop's post

大家留意啦~今日大年初四PTS STEEL SHOP開下午四時(16:00),要上來的朋友唔好咁早上來摸門釘啦 ;D

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新年快樂!初四開工大吉!今年大家逗咗幾多利是呢?逗多逗少都要記得我地PTS Masada 沙色將會係2月18日開始發售俾大家帶返屋企!記得唔好咁快洗晒利是錢啦 :P Happy Lunar New Year! Masada GBB in Dark Earth will be release on 18 of Feb. Don't spend all the pocket money until you brought Masada home :P

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今日大年初一就緊係要同大家講句「恭喜發財!」 PTS仝人恭祝大家新年進步! 身體健康 !猴年行大運! Today is Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy! Colleagues wish everyone good health ! Get lucky!

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「歡歡喜喜迎猴年,幸幸福福慶團圓!」 Steel Shop將於初一至初三(8/2 - 10/2)休息,初四(11/2)下午四時啟市! 祝大家猴年行大運! [Year of Monkey!] Steel Shop will be closed from 8 - 10 Feb., 2016, and open on 11 Feb., 2016 at 16:00. Gong Hei Fat Choi!

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「小編表示興奮!」2月18號唔止沙色Masada GBB同大家見面,仲會有沙色EPM!買槍唔會無匣~ EPM GBB in Dark Earth and Masada GBB in Dark Earth will release on the same date (18 Feb)! Stay tuned and contact your local dealer for detail!

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俗語說「年廿八洗邋遢,若然不洗豈會發」,所以Steel Shop於今個星期六的營業時間將改為下午1時至6時正。 各位敬請留意! Our opening hours will change to 13:00 to 18:00 on the coming Saturday.

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「Masada懶人包」一圖睇晒Masada FDE有咩功能同特點~ [Masada Poster] One poster let you know all the features and special about Masada GBB in Dark Earth!

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Photos from PTS Steel Shop's post

呢排天氣好唔穩定~又凍又熱仲要濛濛細雨,有時仲刮起大風!每日諗著咩褸都諗到頭都爆! 小編買左Beyond Clothing A5 RIG LIGHT JACKET 之後問題就解決晒~因為A5係專門設計俾用家擋風同擋雨用,仲有一定嘅保暖效果。雖然佢係又防風又防雨水又保暖,但佢著上身嘅時候係一啲都唔會焗咖!仲有好好嘅耐磨性,行山野外活動用都適合。 Beyond Clothing已經到左STEEL SHOP啦!仲唔快啲上嚟揀返件過新年~ Beyond Clothing A5 SOFTSHELLS A5 Softshell layers are designed to protect the user against wind and rain during active use. These outer layers are built out of an extremely breathable, 4 way stretch material that allows for excellent mobility, high durability, and protection from the elements. Beyond Clothing is now available at PTS STEEL SHOP!

Photos from PTS Steel Shop's post

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唔止Masada出沙色,連EPM GBB匣都出沙色啦! Not only Masada in DE.... Also, EPM GBB Magazine...

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Masada沙色將會在今個月18日登場! Masada - Dark Earth coming in this month (18 Feb)!

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