叁薯 Three Potatoes
誰說薯仔只可以做配角? 小薯仔也可改變世界!
Potatoes can only be a side dish? No Way! Even a small potato can change the world! 作為米芝蓮推介的香港薯仔專家,叁薯將薯仔烹飪玩到極致! 我們精挑來自世界各地的優質薯仔,以煎炸焗等各樣方式帶出薯仔的真味,炮製出創意薯仔宇宙!
As a potato specialist in Hong Kong, Three Potatoes proudly presents our Michelin winning baked potatoes and other superb potato dishes with different cooking methods. Welcome to the creative universe of potatoes!
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叁薯家族祝大家丁財兩旺,事事順利,四季吉祥!!! 太子和尖沙咀分店於年初七啟市, 多謝支持^^
全球薯仔種類過4000種,想知道大概分邊種?留意下飲食籽同埋叄薯既介紹啦^^ ( "焦糖洋葱蘑菇焗薯" 只在叄薯尖沙咀店獨家發售! ) 地址:尖沙咀厚福街7A號地下E舖 (厚福街盡頭橫巷轉右)
叁薯尖沙咀分店已經正式營業啦! 分店設有堂座而且仲有好多分店獨有既新口味添,例如呢款 "焦糖洋蔥蘑菇焗薯" ,一定要黎試下啦^^ 分店地址:尖沙咀厚福街7A號地下E號舖 (尖沙咀港鐵站B2出口步行3分鐘)
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<來自星星的薯> 薯仔已經超前人類到火星定居了! 人類登陸及移居火星的最大挑戰,是如何解決糧食供應的問題。美國太空總署(NASA)將於下月與秘魯利馬的國際薯仔中心(CIP)合作,測試一百種薯仔,以判斷它們是否合適在火星種植,成為「火星薯仔」。 參與實驗的科學家相信,不少薯仔可以入圍,並於一兩年內得出更確實的結果。 圖片來源: mirror.co.uk <Mars Potatoes> It may sound like science fiction, but scientists really are trying to grow potatoes on Mars! NASA is trying to develop a variety of vegetables that will survive on Mars which could reduce costs and gives space travellers a means to feed themselves. They are working with the International Potato Center (CIP) in Peru and testing 100 different types of potatoes. Scientists are very optimistic with the results and they believe many of the potatoes can successfully become MARS POTATOS in one or two years’ time! Image: mirror.co.uk
Photos from 叁薯 Three Potatoes's post
話說有一天,幾粒種子從天而降,經過叁薯既V老闆悉心灌溉之後,長出幾隻天不怕地不怕既小薯,叁薯家族正式誕生! 今日就先介紹家族中第一個彈出黎既成員啦!
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<薯仔和愛爾蘭> 愛爾蘭的歷史原來深受薯仔影響,間接造成大批愛爾蘭人移民到美國。 正式獨立之前,愛爾蘭土地大都為英國地主所有,部分愛爾蘭人跟地主承租土地種植食物,但糧食經常不足。自從薯仔開始普及後,缺糧情況大幅改善,90年(1754-1845年)間人口暴增2.5倍。愛爾蘭人在肥沃土地生產英國人所需糧食,在貧脊土地上種植薯仔維生,透過這樣的供養關係,可說是薯仔助長了最初十年的英國工業革命。 西元1845年,歐洲出現近5年的薯仔病害,薯仔整顆腐爛,使愛爾蘭人陷入生存危機。期間餓死了約150萬的愛爾蘭人,另外的150萬愛爾蘭人被迫離開故鄉前往英國的殖民地美國,造成史上最大規模的愛爾蘭移民潮。 圖片來源:fanningfamilyhistory <Potato and Irish Immigration> Ireland was highly influenced by potatoes in history and potatoes also led to a huge immigration of Irish to America. By the 1700s potatoes were widely cultivated in Ireland. For the Irish tenant farmers, with barely an acre to cultivate, potatoes produced larger and more reliable yields than grains. Loaded with proteins, vitamins and complex carbohydrates, potatoes helped the Irish population doubled from 4 to 8 million from 1780 to 1840. Unfortunately, the potato blight ravaged potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840s for 5 years. It caused the death of 1.5million Ireland population and another 1.5 million fled to America for survival which became the biggest Irish immigration ever. Image: fanningfamilyhistory
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<最貴的「薯仔」> 世界上最貴的薯仔是一幅價值75萬英鎊(約859萬港幣),以「薯仔」為主題的相片。 愛爾蘭46歲攝影師Kevin Abosch熱愛薯仔,一日與一位商人用餐後,對方發現牆上有張以「薯仔」為主題的相片,覺得很有意思,於是以75萬英鎊高價買下了! 圖片來源:Kevin Abosch <$1 million potato photo> “This is what a potato photo that sells for 1 million Euros ($1.08 million) looks like.” Kevin Abosch, a visual artist known primarily for super fast portraits of high-profile Silicon Valley executives and celebrities, stated in January 2016. the deal was made with a German businessman over dinner and a few glasses of wine in 2015. Image:Kevin Abosch
PotatoParcel.com - Send An Anonymous Message to Anyone...On a Potato
<薯仔包裹> 美國人Alex Craig,有次和女友用餐時突然想到,可以利用薯仔作為媒介,替客戶在薯仔上頭寫下文字訊息,再放入牛皮紙袋中用匿名郵寄的方式寄出。於是Alex開始了一個出售薯仔的網站,可能因為匿名的關係,消費者可以自由地將訊息傳遞出去,令這個創意成為了一個大受歡迎的產品, Alex從這網站的月收入高達10,000美元! 有興趣的朋友可以到以下 potato parcel 的網站https://potatoparcel.com/ 試試呢 (最低消費是9.99美元) <Potato Parcel> 24 years old Texas entrepreneur Alex Craig is making US$10,000 each month writing anonymous messages on potatoes and mailing them to unsuspecting recipients across the country. He founded Potato Parcel, a start-up business that sells potatoes online for people to send anonymous messages and became a great success! Want to send out your potato surprise? Check out his website at https://potatoparcel.com/ (Minimum costs is USD9.99)