外灘拾號 Ten On The Bund
外灘拾號 Ten On The Bund
Shop 2, 10 Cheung Yue St,
Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong 「外灘拾號」落於荔枝角繁華工業商貿區中聘請經驗名廚以獨特的烹調手法炮製出以滬菜為主揉合京、川湘等外省菜的精髓和海派風格於一身的創意菜式。味濃厚而不油膩的傅統出品清鮮但不淡薄的創新健康菜式。配合高雅的裝修熱忱的服務舒適的環境為您提供適意的享受。
Ten On The Bund is located in one of the busiest downtown industrial areas, Lai Chi Kok. Our experienced chef uses his very own, unique cooking style, concocted to Shanghai cuisine, a blend of Beijing, Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces and Shanghai-style dishes in an essence of dishes. With our traditional cooking style, you can experience the intensity of flavors yet not oily, freshness of all kinds. Catered for healthy conscious customers. Whether our decoration, service, atmosphere and dishes are all prepared to complement one another, in order to provide the most comfortable dinning experience.
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facebook.com【100%純天然!北海道直送野生大閘蟹】 產自純淨的北海道石狩川,吸收雪山水源的豐富礦物,北海道大閘蟹(モクズガニ)與同一品種的中國大閘蟹,體型較大,而且蟹膏特別豐厚濃稠,蟹肉更帶獨特清新, 令人一試難忘!外灘拾號將於 10 月 13 日起供應,原價 $588,期間限定優惠每隻 $388(約重 8 至 9 両),歡迎訂座,電話:2336 6776 *另收加一服務費 #北海道大閘蟹 #外灘拾號 #大閘蟹