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依達時裝貿易公司Yi Da fashion company

san po kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong



本公司自設廠房,專業承接生產各類高級時裝加工 , Our company has its own factories that are specialized in producing all kinds of high fashion processing. 本公司自設廠房,專業承接生產各類高級時裝加工 , 客人把雖要的款式資料電郵或郵寄到本公司 ( 劃圖 / 相片或提供樣辦等的資料均可 ) 便能由起辦,採購,跟單,生產大貨至運輸能全為客人提供一條龍式服務,如客戶有雖要 , 本公司可安排同事上門跟進款式洽談 ( 上門只限香港 )

Our company has its own factories that are specialized in producing all kinds of high fashion processing. Once the client sent an email or mail (which can be drawings or photos of the pattern or the samples) to our company that includes the style of clothing they want, we will provide a coordinated process such as setting up the case, ordering the materials that are needed, following the case meanwhile producing the products and delivering it to the client. If it’s needed, our company can send staff straight to the client’s door step for discussion (Hong Kong only).



NEAR 依達時裝貿易公司Yi Da fashion company