Fjällräven Hong Kong
Fjällräven's official Hong Kong page. Fjällräven is a Swedish company specialising in outdoor clothing and backpacks. The name means "arctic fox". Fjällräven's Official Hong Kong Facebook page. We are the official exclusive distributor of Fjällräven's products in Hong Kong.
Fjällräven is a Swedish company specialising in outdoor equipment — mostly clothing and backpacks. The name means the arctic fox. Fjällräven was founded in 1960 by Åke Nordin (1936–2013).
The original product was an external frame backpack. The Fjällräven backpack proved comfortable as well as durable, and along with outdoor clothing made from tent fabric it made the brand well known in just a decade.
Among the more well-known products are Greenland jackets and various versions of the Kånken backpack.
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facebook.comFjällräven Abisko Trekking Backpack
Fjällräven Abisko Trekking Backpack Abisko系列Backpack,精簡設計與輕量化嘅訴求,共推出 55L、65L、75L三種容量規格,適合健行/旅行者、山岳滑雪者作為多日用途嘅健行包款使用。而係2015年,對於商品總係採取高標準嘅Fjällräven針對「Abisko」 做咗改良版,採用了更新、更穩定嘅背負系統,以及強韌嘅聚醯胺纖維表布。升級後嘅背墊更加透氣,全新設計嘅腰帶則提供更好嘅支撐力。再配有男裝及女裝Backpack設計,總有一個適合您。 更多嘅細節介紹,黎睇下設計師 Fredrik 點講。 #Fjällräven #Fjallraven #Abisko #Backpack #trekking #nature #hiking #landscape #outdoors #adventure #getoutside #explore
Fjällräven Hong Kong's cover photo
Because of Journey 不如去呢度
Good luck to Loklam, blogger from "Because of Journey不如去呢度", on her trip to Cambodia. She will be using the Fjallraven Funas backpack for this exciting journey.....
Fjällräven Kaipak Backpack
Fjällräven Kaipak Backpack 本系列Kaipak Backpack,設計出發點均建立在簡單俐落的輪廓、具功能性的細節,同時也把背負時的舒適度作為首要的考量,而經過Fjällräve研發團隊的多次的實驗與改良所推出的Kaipak,尺寸上,共有28公升,38公升與58公升可選,中型包款的設計,適合推薦給有計畫做近郊休閒與健行登山的朋友使用。 #Fjällräven #Kaipak #Backpack #trekking #nature #hiking #landscape #outdoors #adventure #getoutside #explore
從舞台到高山,近年來Kenny成熟不少,亦經歷不少。每次行山,都俾到Kenny唔同嘅感受,幫助佢面對人生嘅每一個高山低谷。 好耐冇見,關智斌 Kenny Kwan #PeakFanatic
How To wax your G-1000 products
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GOLDEN WEEK TREATS 十月一至七號黎我地位於銅鑼灣 FASHION WALK嘅旗艦店 我地準備左小驚喜畀您 仲等咩呀?快 D黎探下北極狐啦! 地址:銅鑼灣京士頓街 FASHION WALK 2-4號 C舖
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恭喜所有早前參加「狐狸去哪兒」嘅得獎者! 睇下所有勝出者同佢地嘅特別版 Kånken。 請畀大力D 嘅掌聲所有「北極狐保護員」。 再一次多謝各位對 Fjällräven 嘅支持。 仲唔快D 黎 Fjällräven 位於銅鑼灣 FASHION WALK嘅旗艦店 地址: 銅鑼灣京士頓街 2-4號 FASHION WALK C舖 記得 Like 此專頁緊貼 Fjällräven資訊啦! Congratulations to all the winners of "Find The Fox"!! Check out all the winners with their colourful limited edition Kånken backpack. Looking great!! Give a round of applause to all the "Arctic Fox Conservationists". Once again, thank you for supporting Fjällräven. Don't forget to come visit our brand centre in FASHION WALK. Address: Shop C, 2-4 Kingston street, Fashion Walk, Causeway Bay Like with our page and get the latest information of Fjällräven.
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◤慢 遊◢ /陪著您走/ 要享受陽光一家之樂,首先要照顧好你嘅little buddy。計劃行程時記住留意下行程中有冇補給站同休息位,最好沿路可以買吓小食或者冰菠蘿,咁樣小朋友就會有心機陪你一齊行啦 :) #ParentNature
◤你係:陽光一家?◢ 好奇嘅之仔去到大自然,問咗媽媽 Chu Fun朱薰 幾多條問題?相信每個小朋友都係「問題兒童」,但其實問問題係冇問題㗎!重要嘅係保持住那顆好奇心,擁抱著大自然畀你嘅啟發。(其實,大人又何嘗唔係呢?) ❤ = 好羨慕陽光一家 😄 = 已經係陽光一家啦 強烈建議開埋聲, 又睇又聽,之仔真係好得意! #ParentNature #NextStopNature
Photos from Fjällräven Hong Kong's post
◤Fjällräven品牌中心開幕◢ 多謝各位戶外生活家嘅支持!未嚟嘅趁呢個weekend過嚟Fashion Walk透過VR感受香港大自然,了解吓自己係咩類型嘅山友啦。 參與我哋嘅「Find The Fox」遊戲,更有機會捕獲隱藏版Kånken (純白、螢光黃或螢光綠)! ◤Arctic fox alert!◢ Thanks for all your support, adventurers! If you haven't, come by this weekend and find out what type of adventurer you are by experiencing Hong Kong's nature. There are even chances to grab our limited-edition Kånken backpacks (white, bright lemon or cafe mint) by participating in our "Find the Fox" game! #NextStopNature #causewaybay #正式開幕