海鮮拼盤及生蠔速遞到會服務,以貼心的態度,把各國新鮮生蠔及刺身美食迅速地送上。請致電或 Whatsapp 9840 0207 訂購或查詢。
- 協助完善元朗區回收網絡,收集並妥善處理經濟價值較低的回收物; - 提倡減廢、乾淨回收、鼓勵居民實踐綠色生活; - 為智障人士提供職業技能訓練
營業時間:1:00pm至9:00pm 星期日休息
租田自耕(專人淋水) 地圖:http://goo.gl/orCI5g
The Kellogg–HKUST Executive MBA program is a premium educational experience devoted to upgrading executives’ knowledge and management skills.
Lexington is a company that designs, manufactures, and supplies kitchenware, outdoor, and children products under our house brands: LexLiving, Lexngo, and Lexnfant.
本店宗旨【愛敗家。愛分享】~~~~~ 為一班愛敗家。愛分享服務~~~~~~ 可以一齊SHARE大家既愛物~~~