Personal Trainer and Group fitness instructor based in South Lantau, Hong Kong offering tailored plans for one-on-one training, Indoor Circuit and Outdoor Bootcamp classes.
Hermes, Chanel, BV, Celine 各大牌子均有代購
Tiny Talents非常重視培養孩子的學習興趣及全人發展,因此所有課程都是經過導師的精心設計,務求為孩子選擇最合適的教案,並營造一個舒服愉快的學習環境,讓他們可輕輕鬆鬆地學習英語。
馬鞍山新港城廣場2樓21號 2633 7166 馬鞍山福安花園UG(1/F) 68號 2633 2655 Whatsapp: 6844 6789
LOYAL TACT LIMITED is a quality watch manufacturer & parts exporter in HK providing OEM, ODM, Design & Brand building services for brands & Kickstarters.
Irish Dancing School in Hong Kong - Kathryn O'Connor-Barton TCRG, ADCRG &(qualified irish dance teacher and adjudicator in Hong Kong with CLRG, Dublin)