由一群在荔枝窩復耕的農夫組成,將定期於每月第一個星期日(10:30 - 15:30),在地舉辦【荔枝窩有農墟】。 Farmers' Market is held Every First Sunday in Lai Chi Wo Village.
代客從日本訂購,日拍, 批發如有需要,請inbox我地! 交收:可以郵寄,過數或到東浩行店舖, 謝謝!
Learn to surf at the cleanest, most beautiful beach in Hong Kong. Surf Hong Kong offers 2 hour surf lessons every day. Bookings are essential.
We are an European online retailer of sports merchandise and provides the ultimate shopping experience to sports fans with worldwide shipment.
A chic design hotel located in the heart of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
牧養關懷學校 (PCS)特為裝備信徒領袖而設。藉著五天的歇息,學員在聖靈的能力中接受別人的禱告服侍,經歷身心靈的整全醫治。