所有款式由3位熱愛時裝80後精心挑選 務求各位著出自己個人風格。所有貨品均由韓國廠家直接運到。本店只是小本經營,暫時只提供網上訂購,希望大家多多支持!!
Mosster Art is the latest novelties in Interior Design: this is the art of using Moss, natural lichen, to furnish and redefine the interiors.
位於旺角中心, 細心的服務, 精心挑選的設備及用料, 並擁有豐富經驗, 專業知識, 不斷學習新技術, 去創作獨特髮型, 一個舒適的空間, 一隊專業的團隊, 一股對美髮的執著, 正等著你的來臨感受. .
“Eye Level is based on an educational principle where students learn at their own pace. When a teacher understands the learning needs of a student, the teaching are most effective.”
營業時間 上午11:00-3:00 下午5:30-11:00 逢星期一休息
無念空間 是一個以陶藝為主的多元藝術工作室 地址: 葵芳葵喜街13-29號永恆(工業)大廈702a室 電話: +852 2891 0907 電郵: artminorinfo@gmail.com Instagram: artminor_hk
- Universal Ramen - Haven't try us yet? Come and enjoy our " Nagi Spirits! / 凪魂! " http://www.n-nagi.com/history/
☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆SOARI手織藝術☆;:*:;☆;:*:;☆ 不教不練只引導,無樣板亦無針法。尋找自我,放膽冒險。