Our company is sole agent for Brazilian brands food product - Vapza, Banana Brasil and Urbano.
Under the Tents is a new project that organises camping events around Hong Kong! A new way of meeting new people! Managed by Myan Consulting Group
小店經營各項洋酒專賣, 寫字樓式經營, 香港現貨 地址: 灣仔謝斐道408號華斐商業大廈17樓05室 Whatsapp: 53733100 eMail: info@hiphingstore.hk
Fresh Light Dining Experience
【嚐滿福】:嚐,為之品嚐,食嚐; 滿,乃至滿意,足滿; 福,寓意福氣,有福。
冧廚屯門工業區 屯門恆威工業中心C1地下31號舖 電話:2464 2000 營業時間:Mon - Sat 07:00 - 17:00