本著不分種族、階級、信仰的宗旨,為市民提供義務救護服務。 For the Service of Mankind, to provide first aid and ambulance services by volunteers.
*一個你不能不到的彼拉提斯工作室承諾您: *十次的彼拉提斯會感覺身體在變化 *二十次便能了解變化後的身體 *三十次後則能成就煥然一新的自己
KAYTIQUE Floral Design is offering you exquisite bespoke flower bouquets and floral arrangements to Discovery Bay.
古怪屋經營18年了 精湛手藝 給顧客質素的保證~ 本店設有 : 專業穿環 (針穿身體各位置 ) 永久紋身 (專業設計圖案/修改舊圖和復蓋疤痕) 臨時紋身 (手繪/henna) 敬請預約: facebook inbox & whatsapp
屢獲殊榮的8度海逸酒店 Award winning Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees
Dancefloor提供多類形健身器材及多種Group Class Trainning!! 例如:Thai Boxing、Fat Burn、Aerial Yoga(空中瑜伽)、Wheel Yoga(瑜伽輪)、Yoga (瑜伽)、Funky Dance、K-Pop.....等等
We are an international missions training and mobilization center that trains & sends passionate, committed young people to the world's least reached peoples. We invite you to join us!