Tel : 28701263
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World-class theatre for young people!
香港零售銷售點:全線豐澤 、全線實惠、 富記五金水喉潔具有限公司、環球電器行、雄基工程公司
美味中式小炒 Delicous stir-fried dishes 大碗傳統車仔麵 Traditional Chinese noodles with soup 新鮮即制製健康果汁 Freshly squeezed healthy juice 各款優惠午/晚套餐 A variety of set meal
Named after a Polynesian greeting meaning “kiss kiss”, Honi Honi is a veritable haven of elegance and design, serving up fresh cocktails concocted by seasoned drink connoisseur and partner Max Traverse.
We established at 1999. And we have more than 15 years experience in house and office moving and storage.