滲水調查-裝修檢驗-樓宇檢驗-損失評估-公證服務 24小時查詢熱線(Whatsapp): 9410-9768 Tel: 2669-0228 / SKYPE: hksurvey
Just Church is a community of believers whose purpose is to share the love of Jesus Christ through evanglism, discipleship, fellowship and worship.
Contemporary French Restaurant with vintage French florist theme by chef Esther Sham serving jet-fresh oysters, wine & comfort French cuisine with a twist.
專營 YAMAHA / KAWAI 等品牌 二手鋼琴 • 回收 • 鋼琴調音 • 上門清潔維修 • 專業搬運 高價收購任何品牌二手鋼琴 免費報價・上門現金回收 客戶服務熱線:6973 1324(電話 / whatsapp 查詢)
主要業務: 寵物用品速遞及提供一切專業寵物資訊,包括貓/狗主糧、小食、罐頭、貓砂、營養補健品、清潔護理用品及其它寵物日用品。另可代訂專業貓或狗獸醫配方糧。
Silk Road Halal Food