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Established by Lady May in 1916, The Helena May is a heritage building providing the amenities of a club and conduct various activities to promoting the welfare of women and girls in Hong Kong.
以推廣香港人後花園 --『元朗南生圍』和周邊地方為目的。介紹『南生圍』值得朋友駐足流連的旅遊景點、風情土貌、動植物生態、日出日落美景和適合南生圍的悠閒活動等。
Golf Driving Range, Simulator & Lesson
作為分享鈎織樂趣平台。想知多啲最新消息,不要猶豫,快來“讚”! Platform to share the happiness of knitting and crocheting. Don't hesitate to 'like' us to get the updated news from us.
Health Care administration